10 Way For The College Student To Stay Happy (Or At Least Sane)
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10 Way For The College Student To Stay Happy (Or At Least Sane)

I've got 99 problems and stress is all of them.

10 Way For The College Student To Stay Happy (Or At Least Sane)
Good Vibes Only

Did I reel you in with the cute puppy picture? Good, it means now I’ve got your attention. I wish I could say this article was solely devoted to puppies, but alas, that is not the case. What I do want to talk about though is something that puppies bring to all of us: happiness.

Now, I get it, life can be hard. No matter how old we are, we all face some form of stress. Between work, classes, tests, and social obligations, it’s hard for any college student to find enough time to sleep, let alone make time to relax. But with all that pressure piling up it can get pretty overwhelming, and as a result we can get crushed under the weight of it all.

Have no fear though, Nid is here! *cue celebratory trumpets* While my advice probably is might be unqualified, I figured these are all things that can help with regaining balance in your life and finding your inner Zen.

Here is the Nid List: 10 tips that can help you stay positive and happy (a.k.a how to LIFE)

1. Join a Club or Group You Enjoy

I know school and work keeps us all busy, but that doesn’t mean it has to take up 24/7 of your time. If it did, it would probably make your brain implode. And that's no fun. College is full of infinite opportunities, including a plethora of extracurricular activities. Try out for something you look forward to getting up to. As an added bonus, you are immediately opened up to a whole new group of potential friends who share a common interest as you.

2. Find Your Quiet Place

By "quiet" place, what I really mean is any place that offers some comfort to you and where you can just recoup your thoughts. That could be your favorite coffee shop, an art gallery, the park, or even McDonald's. It should be an area that is designated for "you time", because being alone for even just a little bitcan be a blessing.

3. Pick Up a Hobby

Anything that can serve as an outlet to channel your energy works. It's also exciting to try new things because then you can learn things about yourself you never knew. You could have a knack for making the best puppets around and the world may never know. Don't deprive the world of your possible puppeteering skills. That would be downright selfish.


I don’t exercise regularly, which is something I deeply regret (mostly because I am a seasoned professional in Netflix surfing and have been rendered incapable of going up a flight of stairs without sounding like dying goat). Even just going for a run to get your adrenaline pumping can do wonders in improving your mood and stamina.

5. Write your thoughts out

Writing can be one of the best catalysts out there. There’s just something so cathartic about writing and cataloging your feelings. Sometimes, the words flow better on paper than they can ever do from your mouth.

6. Pet an Animal (a.k.a Pitt's Therapy Dog Tuesdays)

You will soon forget about all of your problems when your covered in dog kisses and cuddling those adorable balls of fluff.

7. Sleep

As I am typing this I can literally hear my mom yelling in my head *cue cute Indian accent* "PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH." As college students (or any student for that matter) are well aware, SLEEP is not a part of our vocabulary. It was replaced long ago by words like "5 HOUR ENERGY", "DOUBLE-SHOT ESPRESSO", and "ALL-NIGHTERS". It's understandable, with everything we need to do to stay afloat sleep ends up falling to the bottom of our To-Do List. But while it might not seem like there is not enough time, YOUR BODY NEEDS REST. Without sleep, your body won't be as capable as it could be to complete your daily duties. And if that weren't bad already, lack of sleep leads to a lowered immune system. Let me tell you, being sick in college SUCKS. So if you don't want to be a sleep-deprived sniffling zombie randomly bumping into walls, hallucinating, and just going all round completely bonkers, it is imperative you rest up.

8.Make a list of your priorities in life

It's easy to get so caught up in the NOW, so much so that we can forget about what our real goals in life are. Making a list of your major priorities in life can put things in perspective and make the path ahead much clearer.

9. Make Motivational Post-It notes

Do it to remind yourself daily of positive thoughts. Even just writing down somewhere where you can always look at it can help. I have a bunch stuck all over my laptop (we are after all in the 21st Century, technology is what most of our lives are centered around). It's corny, I know, but hey it gets the job done.Every little thing can count.

10. Write a list of things you like about yourself to remind yourself that you don’t suck

Crude, but accurate. Because you don't suck, no matter how much you might think so sometimes. Sure, things might not turn out the way we want it to. Sometimes you might not get that job offer, that stellar grade, or the boy/girl you've been pining over. That's just how life works. It's during times like those that we have to remind ourselves that those isolated incidents don't define us. There are a lot of characteristics about you that are beautifully unique, things that bring joy to others around you. So jot them down. You aren't going to believe them unless you can say it for yourself.

If all else fails, just take a deep breath and remember; life moves on. With time, things will get better. What keeps me (sorta) sane is knowing that 99% of the problems I face now won’t matter 10 years down the line. As my wise RA once told me, “it isn’t the all-nighters you pulled or that one test you didn’t do so hot on that you will remember. It's those nights you spent laughing on the floor with your friends until you cried, and the amazing experiences you got to be a part of that will end up being memories for a lifetime."

So remember when things get tough just breathe, smile and take it all one step at a time.You can do it. I believe in you :)

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