10 Tips For Incoming First Year College Students
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Student Life

10 Tips For Incoming First Year College Students

Basically all the advice I wish someone had given me when I was entering my first year at college.

10 Tips For Incoming First Year College Students

For months leading up to high school graduation and maybe even years, seniors across the country are beyond excited and counting down the days and hours to when they will get to leave their small towns or big cities and head off to college to pursue the next chapters of their lives. They excitedly search for roommates and talk to their fellow seniors about all the things they are looking forward to at their new schools and then they make it to orientation and for some students, the reality finally sinks in:

This is nothing like high school.

For many students, they know nobody else at their new schools. They are meeting a bunch of strangers in this new environment and that can be daunting in itself, never mind that orientation only has a small portion of the actual new student class so students haven't even seen all the new people they will start seeing around campus.

This can be daunting, but have no fear. Upperclassmen such as myself have been saving up tips in our minds for underclassmen, first year students especially. We don't want to watch you walk around campus looking confused and overwhelmed, we want to see you succeed just like everyone else on your new campus.

That being said, here are some tips to make your first year the best it can be, socially and academically from an orientation leader and upperclassman whom wants to see you happy and successful.

1.) Go to class.

Yeah, everyone tells you to go to class. It's a no brainer; you're paying to get an education to get a job or go to a graduate school. I get that you're all adults and it's your choice on whether or not you go to class and I know you still need to make your choice, but in my experience going to class really helps you succeed and get the good grades needed for graduate programs and medical schools. Even if you don't plan on more school, a high GPA opens so many doors once you graduate so you're really helping yourself.

2.) Get involved.

I'm an orientation leader and whenever I have a group of students at orientation the point to get involved is always super emphasized because it is just so important. If you stay in your room all day and don't get out and make the most of your college experience, you're not going to have a great time. Make new friends, join clubs and student organizations, go to events held by the school, even go crazy with school and get great grades with study groups. Get involved in the way that is right for you, whatever that may be.

3.) Breathe.

Everyone goes through those nervous jitters about the course load and making friends in this brand new place. It's completely normal, and anyone who says they're not nervous is lying. You'll be okay. You'll make friends, even if you bounce from people until you find your group. It took me a semester to find mine and now I couldn't be happier, so know that your college journey is your own and nobody can tell you if you are or aren't doing it right.

4.) Talk to your professors.

Your professors are your number one source of information when it comes to classes. Introduce yourself! It doesn't make you a suck up, it means you are taking initiative to help your own education and success. Ask them for help, they will be more than happy to give you a hand and explain a concept that you just can't seem to grasp. (If you're going to email them but don't know if they're a "professor" or "doctor" or any other title, "professor" is always a safe way to begin!)

5.) Don't be afraid to ask for help.

There are so many ways to get help if you need it. Many schools have tutoring centers if you're looking to get help from a fellow student or if your professor's office hours don't fit your schedule. Most schools also have Counseling Centers if you're feeling stressed or if you just want to talk to someone, and even just talking out feelings and how things are going can really make your day turn around from mediocre to fantastic. Suddenly things are more in perspective and your mind is much clearer. With all the stigma surrounding mental health, I urge you to talk to someone you trust if you feel depressed or anxious because so many people don't and I know they'd be much happier if they did. It's never too late to ask for help and it is nothing to be ashamed of.

6.) Make good choices.

I don't mean never go to parties or never have fun. What I do mean is that your college experience is a series of choices, whether they be to go to class or have ice cream for breakfast. You get to decide what you do, but realize every decision comes with a price. It may be positive and it may be negative depending on the options and what you choose. Every choice brings you somewhere new on your college journey, so choose wisely!

7.) The Freshman 15 is real.

Those people that jokingly tell you "watch out for the Freshman 15"? They weren't joking. The Freshman 15 is so real, but it may not happen to you if you're lucky! There's healthy options in the dining hall! Don't always go for the pizza, moderation is key! Yes, you can have that ice cream for breakfast, but have some eggs and toast too for healthy carbohydrates and protein to get you through the day. Go for lean protein like chicken and vegetables like salad for lunch and dinner, and every once in a while yeah, go crazy, because you only get one first year of college! When you go home the home-cooked meals are heaven on earth, so of course you'll have those to look forward to. Those may just be how you gain a few pounds, but not necessarily all of the Freshman 15!

8.) Take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way.

Don't think for a second that just because you're new means that you don't have a right to go after everything you want. If there's an organization you're in and you want to run to be an E-board member, go ahead! If there's a group you wish your school had but nobody has made it, create it! There are opportunities around every corner and so many people willing to help you take advantage of all those opportunities, you just have to go after them.

9.) Know that not every college is right for everyone.

If you're trying hard to love your school but it isn't working and you are finding it harder and harder to go to class because your heart isn't there, know that that's okay. Not every school is meant for everyone, and for some people college isn't what they really need! There's nothing wrong with that. This is your life, not your mom's your best friend's, your advisor's, yours. You need to do what's right for you and do what makes you happy, not what makes everyone else happy.

10.) It's okay to change your mind.

If you're going into your first year with no clue what you want to do, that's okay. If you thought you knew but then it turns out that you want nothing to do with that idea but love another? That's okay, too. You have so much time to figure everything out, which is something many people forget. Some people don't start doing what they love until later in life, so what's stopping you from starting right now? Change your major, try something new, try again, make mistakes, learn from them, and do it all over again. This isn't supposed to be a straight path to graduation, you're supposed to start finding out who you are and what you want and there is time for you to figure it all out. Breathe, it will be okay in the end.

In the end, you're going to have days where you're homesick, you'll have days where you'll want to stay in bed and not go to your 8am (try not to take those), but there will be days where you'll jump out of bed because something great is happening that day. There will be days where the world seems a little brighter because you're having a great time, days where you wake up exhausted still because you stayed out and forgot you had something to do the next morning but you had so much fun last night you don't care, and that's what college is all about. Everyone has their own experience, and I guess that's my final piece of advice to give to you; make the most of your experience because it is yours and yours alone.

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