10 Must Know Tips for Incoming College Freshmen
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10 Must Know Tips for Incoming College Freshmen

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

10 Must Know Tips for Incoming College Freshmen

Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." This is a thought that has always resonated well with me, especially as the oldest child of immigrants whose only dream was for their children to have an endless amount of possibilities. Because of this, I chose to further my education after high school by pursuing a college degree. I am now about to enter my junior and am stuck wondering where the time went. As I look back and meditate on the last couple year of my life, more specifically my freshman year, I have compiled a list of tips that helped personally ease my transition into the college world and will hopefully do the same for you.

1. Remember why you're here.

The primary focus of getting a college education is to get a college education. It is so easy to get caught up in your new-found freedom that you actually forget about your academics. Don't let this be you. I know way too many people who made this mistake and to this day, they are still grumbling over it. If you know you have a major test tomorrow and your friends are trying to get you to go out tonight, don't be afraid to say no. College is an incredible opportunity and if you are given the chance to experience it, take it. Don't just learn to make the grade. Learn to expand your mind. There will be times when it seems tedious and futile but make that investment. Your future self will thank you for it.

2. Get to know your professors.

More than likely, your professors will have office hours. This is a designated period set aside from class time for you to ask for clarification on whatever is being taught. Take advantage of this and take advantage of it early. Do not wait until finals week to approach your professor because I guarantee you, that's what everyone will do. You will discover so many new faces in that time that you'll be left wondering if those people are even registered for the class. Even if at the time you may not think you need the help, go to office hours and get to know your professors. I've had professors who were so incredibly intimidating in class, but then like a butterfly, completely during their office hours. As a result, I approached their class with a renewed mindset that allowed me to perform better and was able to receive a recommendation letter.

3. Avoid the school store.

The school store is a black hole of overpriced textbooks that will have your soul writhing in pain. Avoid it. Before you buy a textbook for a class, try to find people who have taken that class and have had that professor and inquire about the necessity of a textbook. If they say yes, ask them if they have a PDF or know someone who does. I made this mistake freshman year and as you can tell, I am still a little bitter about the whole situation. If you absolutely cannot find a PDF of the book you need, don't cave into the black hole. Use chegg.com or half.com. Find an upperclassman selling the book for a reduced price. There are so many other alternatives; you just have to be willing to use your resources.

4. Set boundaries with your roommate immediately.

Whether you're going into college rooming with an old friend or you've entrusted your college's roommate finder (aka the eHarmony to finding you the most compatible person to be your roommate), it is imperative that you establish boundaries. It doesn't matter if you've known this person since you were in diapers. You don't really know someone until you've personally lived with them. If you are sharing a bathroom with them, come up with a cleaning schedule. If you both have morning classes, decide ahead of time when each of you is showering. These are such small tasks, but I've witnessed resentment build up between roommates because these boundaries weren't decided on earlier on. This is a person you're going to live with for an entire year, so even if you don't get along, be respectful at all times. Keep the peace, no matter what.

5. Roomie love is not the only love.

This tip is to those who have found their soul mates in their roommates. First of all, I'm so thrilled that you have found a partner in crime for all of the future shenanigans that you will get into. With that said, don't get too attached to your roommate that you neglect opportunities to meet new people. Now is your time to branch out and the amazing thing about college is, you can literally find a friend anywhere. Get involved on campus. If you're interested in bird watching, there's an organization for that. And if there's not, don't be afraid to start one. Organizations are such an easy away to explore old and new hobbies while meeting people who share a love for those same passions as well.

6. Keep in touch with your loved ones back home.

Through all of these changes, you need people who are going to keep you grounded. The only people who can genuinely do this are the people who know you best. You can be an independent individual and still love your family and friends enough to keep in contact with them. So, call your mom every now and then. Talk to your dad. Facetime your siblings. Going away to school brings about a lot of changes, not just for you, but for those who care and love you as well. Don't forget about those people while you're out having the time of your life. Don't become so trapped in your own personal bubble that you forget about the rest of the world.

7. Be responsible with money.

I promise your parents did not pay me to write this tip. This is something I've learned over and over again. I did not realize how expensive living was until I started college. Credit cards are a blessing and a curse. They are not meant to be used as gift cards where you just swipe whenever and hope for the best. Check your bank statements. Budget your money. As amazing as 3 am pizza deliveries are, don't spend all of your money on that. Make sure you are spending your money wisely. You're going to have to learn how to budget sooner or later and now is the best time for you to start training yourself.

8. Participate in school events.

Go to football games. Go to basketball games. Go to volleyball games. Don't be an alien in your own school. Participate in your school's activities. You won't feel a greater sense of pride for your school than in cheering for your school's football team with thousands of your fellow peers, even if you know nothing about football. If the thrill of these events alone is not enticing enough, there will most likely be free merchandise as well. As a college student, your favorite word will quickly become "free." Free Tshirts, free water bottles, free bags, free food. It doesn't even matter if you don't need it. Just go to these events. Celebrate your school and you'll be awarded for it.

9. Prioritize your health.

I could write an entire piece about this tip. School is undeniably stressful. It takes a toll on your mind, your body, and your spirit. Don't let it. You do not have to pull all-nighters every night just to pass your class. I'm sorry, but if you're doing that, you need to take a step back and reexamine how you're spending your time. You do not have to skip meals because you have a huge organic chemistry test coming up. School is a challenge, but there is absolutely no reason for you to have to sacrifice any aspect of your health in order to succeed. Eat well to keep your body and mind fueled. Exercise to exhale out the toxins and the stress. Take time for yourself every once in a while to maintain your sanity. Every single part of you of is connected, so make sure to put in the same amount of effort that you put into the activities around into yourself as well. And if you feel yourself struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help.

10. Create yourself.

Freshman year was without a doubt one of the best years of my life and I wish for nothing more than for you to reciprocate those same feelings. College is a fearful and exhilarating adventure. It grants you the opportunity to explore and define who you are. This can be difficult at times, but I believe that anything can be conquered with the right mindset and a resilient attitude. Enjoy this newfound freedom and use it to discover yourself because honestly, this is the freest you'll ever be. Don't let anyone try to make their way of life yours. Form your own opinions and your own thoughts. Don't let anyone tell you who you are, but instead, show the world who you are.

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