Although my roommate situation at first was rocky, I managed to find a wonderful roommate who has become one of my closest friends on campus. It was really a blessing, because I was pretty SOL until I found her. We were both unsure of whether it would work because both of us were coming from pretty terrible situations. Luckily, we clicked immediately and realized we're a lot alike. We have a lot of fun together. Recently, I was watching Parks and Recreation and noticed that our relationships was very similar to Ann and Leslie's.
And so, here are 10 times Parks and Rec has perfectly captured the roommate relationship.
1. You love to mess with each other. And even though you're friends, you never miss an opportunity to do so.
2. Sometimes you act more like siblings than roommates, especially when you bicker, because in reality, you're family.
3. You're always real with each other because you know it's for the best.
4. But you mainly keep it real because you're close enough to say how you really feel. You know that your relationship can only grow from being honest with one another.
5. Sometimes you get a little crazy together... well actually, you're crazy more often than not. But having someone as weird as you around all the time can be a blast.
6. You can be totally yourself around them, especially your weird self. You grow so fond of them your weird self even compliments them in weird ways.
7. Everyone knows how close you are. Everyone. And it never fails to make you feel all warm and fuzzy when it's recognized.
8. You are always helping each other and finding out new, interesting details that only bring you closer.
9. You've gotten pretty protective of each other and you're always ready to back each other up.
10. But the most important thing is that you love each other through and through and you'll never forget your time together.
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