Thousands of kids go through this sort of experience. They are born in to it. They didn't choose this life yet here they are. We all share this common bond. We were all raised by school teachers. Here's that reality and the thoughts of many.
1. Hearing the words, "Now you can't repeat this" a lot.
At some time or other your parent needed to vent about a student or situation at work. Why this requires a half hour of that parents prepping said child on the reasons not to repeat anything is beyond comprehension, but it is bound to come eventually.
2. Threatening to take up drinking is not frowned upon whatsoever.
While most teachers uphold their professionalism and stay clear of beer, it is not rare to hear your parent contemplate the altering effect of alcohol while sitting down to a stack of tests.
3. Having friends expect you to single handedly obtain test answers.
While your parent may not teach that class or grade level. It is expected of you to have secret access to all homework and test answers.
4. Being at the school all hours of the night.
For most students they are there for class and occasionally after school sports. For teachers kids, a cot and a blanket is often stored in a back closet. Also hallways become the prime spot for shenanigans and ridiculous games.
5. Hearing your teacher parent count the years to retirement.
While teachers spend 4- 6 years preparing for their career then spend the next 30 plus years preparing for retirement. Deep down we know they love it though!
6. Having a parent who is equally excited about snow days.
Snow days were God's little gift growing up. It Is actually sort of special to have a parent sitting next to you, anxiously awaiting the phone call announcing the sacred day.
7. Consoling your parent who is complaining about getting a new student halfway through the year.
A teacher parent can be blown off the tracks by the words "new student." This is not something a teacher's kids can take lightly. This is a sad day, that could disrupt the perfect balance that has been painstakingly worked toward during the school year.
8. Having a house full of useless teacher gifts
There is never shortage of coffee mugs, class figurines and handmade notes.
9. Knowing May is the worst month.
At this point teachers are equally as done as their students. Grades, class projects, end of the year parties and sports are all crashing in at once. Patience is practically a vocabulary word through this month.
10. Being asked if having a parent who is also a teacher is weird.
This question haunts you well into your high school years, but deep down you feel a sense of pride being a teacher's kid.
Having a parent who is also a teacher is truly a gift and I hope you have found the joy and humor in it as I have! shout out to the best teacher I know! My mom Jeanne Williams.