It doesn't matter if it's your first day of high school or your first day of your third year of college, the first day of school is always something to look forward to and to dread, all at the same time. It's exciting, it's scary, sometimes it's the worst-- it's the first day of class!
1. Setting ten thousand alarms on the first day of class eve so you don't oversleep, then not even being able to fall asleep ever because you're so nervous you're going to sleep through those ten thousand alarms.
2. Picking out that stellar comfy cute 'n' fun outfit for the day.
This just might be the most important decision you'll make all semester--what do your clothing choices say about you? Are you trying too hard, or too little? Every aspect is important, down to your sock choice.
3. Buying crisp and clean shiny new school supplies.
This truly is my favorite part of going back to school. There is just something about untouched, un-scribbled in, unused spirals and binders. And don't even get me started on new pens--they could very well be one of my love languages.
4. Seeing everyone and their mother and dog, even if you didn't intend to.
Literally, you will see everyone. You will run into every single person you have been avoiding all summer and probably your whole life too. It's just inevitable. But, on the bright side, you will see all the people you've missed also.
5. Not knowing where in the world you're going because you didn't walk to your classes before school began (as your mom advised) and unintentionally telling everyone around you that you are directionally challenged because you're walking around in circles.
6. Immediately getting stressed out upon reading the syllabus and realizing just how unprepared for another year of school you really are.
Especially when you find out that your sweet professors scheduled all of their tests in the same week.
7. Not having adequate writing utensils even though you bought three-fourths of the school supplies aisle at Target.
Did you buy highlighters in every color? Yep. Did you remember pencils? Nope.
8. Acting like you're on the phone while walking alone everywhere because you don't know where all of your friends are.
"Yeah, mom, first day of class is going great... yes, I'm making friends..."
9. Nervously asking if "this seat is taken" and feeling like a dweeb walking into class without your #squad.
It's even worse when they say "yes," and you have to try again at another table. So much rejection.