10 Things To Do On A Chilly Fall Day | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things To Do On A Chilly Fall Day

So many possible activities!

10 Things To Do On A Chilly Fall Day

Isn't fall just the most magical time? Vibrant reds, oranges and yellows form a picturesque frame around your day. Crisp cool air whips across your face as you enjoy a morning jaunt across town. As summer has gone and autumn has arrived, your true form has taken shape in the big, beautiful world.

1. Snuggle up with your best friend and watch your favorite fall flick

Silence of the Lambs, Human Centipede or that history of the Swamp People documentary you have been meaning to get your hands on.

2. Wrap up in something nice and warm to protect you from that autumn chill

I've heard animal carcasses are the best for keeping in that body heat. Check out this one on Etsy.

3. Clean up your community by volunteering to rake up leaves that have fallen

Not only will you be removing pesky leaves out of important walkways, big piles of leaves also provide the perfect hiding place to spy on the love of your life go on a third date with that pig Stacey (she's not even that cute).

4. Grab yourself a nice hot beverage

The blood of your enemies doesn't only warm your hands, but warms your heart.

5. Carve pumpkins with your roommates

Then place newly carved Jack-o-laterns on your heads and chase away the children who come to your door. You are broke college students, you can't afford candy (for anyone else).

6. Curl up with a good book

Check out my latest read here!

7. Go for a long walk to be alone with your thoughts

So you can begin the sweet spiral of your dark thoughts that cloud every quiet moment.

8. Collect twigs, leaves, stones and any other cute fall items for a DIY project

Now it is easier than ever to fashion your very own "friend" (a friend of twigs and leaves never lets you down)

9. Knit a scarf

Stacey might be bald now, but at least the scarf is soft and shiny.

10. Take a study break and enjoy the fall rain

You're probably going to fail anyways.

Disclaimer: if your name is Stacey, I mean no harm.

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