10 Things Chicago Girls Who Go to an SEC School Can Relate To
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10 Things Chicago Girls Who Go to an SEC School Can Relate To


10 Things Chicago Girls Who Go to an SEC School Can Relate To

1. People get weirded out by your accent.

"What are you guys talking about? I don't have and aaccent! YOU guys have an aaaccent!

2. Ordering drinks is always a struggle.

"I'll have an iced tea."

"You mean a sweet tea?"

"No, unsweetened."

"You mean unsweet?"


"We don't have unsweet here."

3. The rude awakening of learning you're supposed to wear dresses to football games.

In the Midwest, football gear consists of T-shirts, maybe striped game day overalls if you're feeling real festive, and face paint. the SEC does it way differently, leading to every Chicago girl to make a last minute dash to the local mall to find a dress in her school's color.

4. Reminiscing about Chicago things with other Chicago girls.

Lou Malnati's, Portillo's, and of course, 773-202 (boop boop boop boop) LUNA.

5. Not having enough Lily Pulitzer and Pastels in your closet to keep up with the southern girls.

The south, where it's Easter every day. You're bound to feel like an outcast when you show up to a formal affair in a black, plum, or navy dress when everyone else is in bright pinks, yellows, and blues.

6. Not understanding why people are so intense about school sports rivalries.

Kentucky and Louisville are like the Bloods and the Crips, the rivalry is NO JOKE. Same with 'Bama and Auburn. I mean, we have the Cubs vs Sox rivalry, but the amount of animosity between the schools in the south is on a whole nother level. Let's chill, guys, it's just sports.

7. Scoffing at southerners who say "the winters here are bad too!"

SNL put it pretty well about how poorly southerners deal with snow with their Georgian character Buford Calloway.

8. Being the palest girl on the block.

The tan obsession just isn't present back home. The first time you go to a southern mall and see brown marks on all the clothes around the necklines from girls with fake tans who tried them on too soon after their trip to the salon is some crazy culture shock. We walk around looking like Tim Burton characters and we embrace it!

9. Being horribly confused when people tell you what county they're from.

Basically the only time people ever mention counties in Chicago is when they're complaining about the Cook county taxes, that's it.

10. Coming home and telling all your high school friends who went to U of I crazy southern school stories.

Whether it's a cow loose on campus, a frat kicked off for pulling some 1890's level racist shit, or camping out for a pair of football tickets , there's always something wild going on, and there's nothing better than seeing the look on your friends' faces when you tell them these stories.

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