10 Tell-Tale Signs You're A Shopaholic
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10 Tell-Tale Signs You're A Shopaholic

“I like my money right where I can see it: Hanging in my closet.” -Carrie Bradshaw

10 Tell-Tale Signs You're A Shopaholic

Looking at your bank account is just a little painful when you see it dwindling from all the shopping you did that month but hey, "treat yo self," right? You've worked hard for the money and can spend it how you want, even if it's on something you might not need. Either online or in stores, everything just looks so shiny and new!

10. Closet goals are among the first you wish to achieve.

While most people are caught up in trying to make their #RelationshipGoals and #BodyGoals become a reality, you are far more concerned with your #ClosetGoals. Nothing makes you happier or prouder than seeing every carefully selected dress, shoe, and bag neatly lined up, waiting to be matched with the perfect outfit. Who needs a relationship when everything you’ve ever needed or wanted is right in your closet right?

9. Paychecks = receipts.

Having a job is great because you get weekly paychecks. But instead of thinking oh great, more money to my name! you’re thinking oh great, I'll have money left over after buying those boots! Sure, saving your paychecks is a nice idea, but you can’t help but transform money earned into money spent.

8. Needing one product in every available color.

You find an adorable skirt from Forever 21, and quickly find out that that same skirt comes in eight different colors. Any logical person would simply purchase the color they like and move on. But you stand there, picturing outfits that would look SO cute with each color. You don’t even like yellow! But you buy it anyway because it just might go perfectly with that white crop top you saw in the window at H&M!

7. Hoarding items with tags.

Sometimes you make purchases that you’re not totally in love with, but couldn’t leave the store without buying. When your friends look through your enormous closet looking for something to borrow, it is extremely likely that they’ll berate you for having at least a dozen items with tags on them. You’ll try to convince them that they were all recent purchases, but you know they’ve been sitting there for months.

6. You strongly believe shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.

Whenever you’re feeling down, retail therapy is always there to turn that frown upside down. You have no problem exchanging your emotional burdens for deepening your financial ones. Sure, the things you buy while emotionally unstable are probably the most brash decisions and least likely to be worn, but swiping your card gives you a high you can’t resist.

5. Giving into free shipping and sales.

No matter how much you love seeing “free shipping” on your favorite sites or “50% off” sales, they are indisputably the bane of your existence. The little amount of willpower you had while shopping goes shooting out the window when your favorite stores are having sales. And no one could possibly give you slack about it because your excuse of “it was on sale!” is reason enough to justify your reckless spending.

4. Your hobbies include recreational spending.

In most people’s spare time, they enjoy yoga, blogging, or just a good book. You, on the other hand, would rather be at Lululemon buying new yoga pants, at Ikea looking for things to spruce up your office area, or at Barnes & Noble purchasing an entire series. You’ll never admit that recreational spending is your favorite thing to do, but you’ll never have to because all of your friends and family already know.

3. Dressing room deliberation is everything.

You’ve become very acquainted with the teeny tiny dressing rooms at your favorite stores. You won’t ever confess how at home you feel within those four walls, but your secret love for trying on entire outfits within a store is no secret to the workers. By now, they’re used to you gathering the maximum amount of items allowed at one time, and deliberating for at least 10 minutes. You go through your dumb selfie faces and Instagram poses in the mirror to see if the outfit will make the cut. Most times you walk out successful because hey, you’ve got great taste!

2. Receiving constant accusations of "too much" this, and "too many" that.

One of the many things you hear from concerned friends and family is that you have “too many pairs of shoes” “too much black clothing” or “too many sweaters that look exactly the same.” Initially you’re offended because you carefully selected every piece and love what makes each unique. Sure, to the untrained eye, all of your heels are the same style, but can no one see that some are leather, some glitter, some suede, some canvas??? There is no such thing as too much of anything, and no one can tell you otherwise.

1. Having a full closet, yet nothing to wear.

People probably think that with an overflowing closet like yours, it must be easy for you to select outfits on the daily. You agree for the sake of agreeing, but wake up each morning staring at your closet thinking “I have nothing to wear." And maybe that is the root of your problem. Perhaps you’re simply overwhelmed by the fact that you have so many options. But it’s just so much easier to tell yourself you have nothing and absolutely need three more sweaters, four more pairs of jeans, the new line of lipsticks from MAC, and everything else that catches your eye!

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