10 Stands Against Trump's Muslim Ban That You Should Know About
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Politics and Activism

10 Stands Against Trump's Muslim Ban That You Should Know About

Companies, celebrities, and group organizations are all joining the resistance.

10 Stands Against Trump's Muslim Ban That You Should Know About

Trump has been the subject of social media political discussions since his cheeto-colored face first popped up on our television screens as he announced his candidacy for the president of the United States. Whether we can believe it or not, somehow Donald Trump is now our president. It is no secret that his first couple weeks as president have been an utter shit show, but one offense stands out among all the rest: his executive order Muslim ban disguised as a travel ban from five countries that "threatened" the safety of American citizens. This order applies to seven Muslim-majority countries and prevents any travel from those countries to America. Some instances were reported of green-card holders being denied entry to America and detained at American airports.

This executive order is not only unconstitutional, but also inhumane, blatantly racist, and against American values. Many Americans and people all over the world have been greatly affected by this xenophobic executive order to the point where many may feel powerless. Some, however, refuse to take Trump's order sitting down and they have begun to resist. The following range from small to big retaliations against Trump's Muslim ban and hopefully they can offer you some inspiration or maybe even some solace in the fact that people out there truly believe all are welcome and should be treated with respect.

1. Starbucks' plan to hire 10,000 refugees

In response to the Muslim travel ban, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s quickly released a statement pledging to hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years. This plan will apply to Starbucks stores throughout 75 countries.

2. The American Muslim Community Centers' billboards

Through a unique interpretation of Trump's campaign catchphrase, The American Muslim Community Centers bought a set of billboards promoting love and compassion along two major Florida highways. The AMCC hopes these billboards serve as a reminder that the Muslim community is active in politics and serves their neighbors through volunteering.

3. James Corden's silent yet powerful message

In a quiet stand against Trump's Muslim ban, the Late Late Show host and comedian James Corden posted a video devoid of his usual hilarious commentary and great singing abilities. The video shows Corden calmly and easily making his way through the airport, a privilege that not everyone currently has, as Corden points out. His message was that everyone should be able to travel as comfortably and stress-free as he can regardless of religion or racial identity.

4. Sara Bareilles' call to Congress

Singer Sara Bareilles set an example for her fans by proving to them that their voices and opinions do matter. Many do not know that they can contact their state congressmen and congresswomen directly to explain their political wishes and discuss political grievances. In a video she posted online, Bareilles left a voicemail for California Senator Kamala Harris in which she explained her opposition toward Trump's cabinet nominations.

5. Canada's parliament emergency session

Shocked by Trump's executive order, Canada’s House of Commons held an emergency session to debate on how Canada should respond. Many of Canada's government officials were in disbelief that a democratic country has passed such a ban based on race and religion. Many officials have proposed courses of action, a few of which can be viewed here.

6. A four-state lawsuit

Due to Trump's executive order being a "violation of the constitution," four states have filed a lawsuit against Trump's administration. The four states leading this movement are Massachusetts, New York, Virginia, and Washington, however, more states claim they plan to join the lawsuit or file similar lawsuits of their own.

7. University of Minnesota Law Professor lawsuit over ethics

Richard Painter, a top ethics scholar and University of Minnesota law professor, recently filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump for violating the Constitution. Painter was willing to risk his reputation and received backlash from the President, all in an effort to stand for his moral code. “The president’s executive order is offensive and unconstitutional not only because it denies due process and is a thinly disguised ban on Muslims…but it also is heavily tilted toward the predominantly poor countries where the Trump organization is not doing business,” Painter said.

8. The many powerful SAG Award speeches

The SAG awards shortly followed Trump's announcement of the Muslim travel ban and multiple celebrities took the opportunity to protest either directly on the red carpet or subtly in their acceptance speeches. Among the multiple celebrities who took a stand were Seth Rogen, Simon Helberg, Mindy Kaling, Bruce Springsteen, Taraji P. Henson, Dev Patel, David K. Harbour, and many others.

9. Twitter's 1.59 million dollar donation to the ACLU

Enraged by Trump's controversial executive order, nearly 1,000 Twitter employees raised $530,000 to donate to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The amount raised was then matched by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, making the total donation nearly $1.6 million.

10. New York City organized strikes

Many immigrant communities residing in New York City have organized strikes following Trump's travel ban. Starting with the New York Taxi Workers Alliance, which represents over 19,000 New York City taxi drivers, organizing a one-hour strike in response to Trump's travel ban, now the community of New York City Bodega owners will close shop for eight hours in their own display of opposition.

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