The trials and tribulations of being young and black are plentiful. It can be hard to explain at times. But, these poems explain things better than I ever can. Here are ten spoken word poems, in no particular order, that perfectly explains how it is to be young and black in modern society.
1. Crystal Valentine and Aaliyah Jihad - "Hide Your Shea Butter"
2. Javon Johnson - "Black and Happy"
3. Joseph Capehart - "Bad Ideas"
4. Portia Bartley - "When Blackness Becomes a Hand Me Down Shirt"
5. Ashlee Haze - "For Colored Girls (The Missy Elliott Poem)
6. Anthony McPherson - "All Lives Matter: 1800s Edition"
7. Marvin Hodges, Em Allison, and Saidu Tejan-Thomas - "Da Rules"
8. Mike Davis - "Take the Whole Hood with Me"
9. iShine and Ashley Lumpkin - "Good Hair"
10. Jasmin Nicole - "The Most Dangerous Game"
These poems explore the various perspectives that encompass the black experience. I hope you enjoyed!