Your best friend is the one to give you advice, tell you how it is, and support you. They make you laugh, know what your favorite food is, and you can't imagine your life without them. Here are 10 signs you found your best friend:
1. Your family is her family.![]()
Her grandparents know who you are, you stay updated on what is going on in her brothers life, and you've been at her house when she isn't home.
2. You have made long term plans.![]()
Whether it's taking a trip together or going to a concert, you can make long term plans and know the other will keep them.
3. You cancel on each other.![]()
A sign of honesty, it's okay to cancel on the little things. You can tell her you are too tired for the movie marathon you planned, but it's okay because you reschedule for another night.
4. You either text 24/7 or once every few days.![]()
You never worry about being too clingy when sending 10 messages in a row, and other times you have nothing to say, and that's okay.
5. You don't keep score.
You buy each other coffee, and when you see something the other person will like, you get it for them even if there is no reason to.
6. You have worn the same outfit out before.
She picks you up and as you get in the car you realize you are wearing the same outfit. But you laugh about it.
7. You have at least one song that you consider "yours."![]()
When it's overplayed on the radio you both roll your eyes because you discovered it first.
8. You know all of each other's embarrassing stories. ![]()
And you can make fun of each other and not get offended.
9. You can exchange feelings in a glance.
You're out and give her a look and she knows exactly what you're thinking. Every time.
10. You support each other.
You go to all of her big events and she goes to yours, no matter how boring they are or early they start.