10 Signs It's Finals Week At Towson As Told By 'The Office'
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10 Signs It's Finals Week At Towson As Told By 'The Office'

It's the most miserable time of the year ♪

10 Signs It's Finals Week At Towson As Told By 'The Office'

Finals week is basically like eating Taco Bell.

You crave the end of the semester, just as you so intensely crave that $1.59 beefy 5-layer burrito. The reward of winter break, much like mentally convincing yourself that driving 15 minutes to the nearest Taco Bell is totally worth it, both share one major set back. You know that you’ll get there eventually, but are certainly not prepared for the shit-storm ahead.

Tigers, break out your Pepto-Bismol! Here are 10 signs that finals week is officially among us!

1. Campus is in a post-apocalyptic state.

On a typical day, most of your time walking to and from classes is spent trailing behind tour groups, becoming increasingly frustrated with slow walkers, or dodging skateboarders and bicyclists down the International Walkway. During finals week, an eerie sense of isolation makes you miss their constant presence as campus begins to look, and feel like an episode of "The Walking Dead".

2. Needing to camp out for a spot in Cook.

The library is generally a place where students meet up for group projects, catch up on some work, or wait in a 40 minute line at Starbucks for a venti iced caramel macchiato. During finals week, don't be alarmed as you walk down the 4th and 5th floors to find students squished in between bookshelves. They're there because they have to be, not because they want to be.

3. Studying in any other building possible.

Throughout the year, Burdick’s facilities are used for burning off the two slices of pizza, three breadsticks, and the sickening amount of froyo you devoured at the glen a few hours back. During finals, the gym, along with any other open building, becomes an incredibly popular alternative to Cook. And you can definitely be sure to catch at least one person taking notes while running on the treadmill...multitasking at its finest.


From couches in the CLA to the benches in Stephens, and even sprawled across freedom square. If there's a spot to nap in between study breaks, you better believe people will be using it to do exactly that. Just don't mistake what looks like a human laying beneath textbooks and study guides for a pile of garbage (although that is how we're all feeling this week).

5. The Freshman Olympics

If you see someone sprinting, jumping, and hurdling obstacles outside of Prettyman at 8 a.m., don’t assume that danger is near. Chances are it’s just a freshman running late to their TSEM final...get ready kids, this is only the beginning.

6. Parking becomes more impossible than ever.

You contemplate ditching your exam because you physically cannot handle another second of driving up, down, and around in circles for a spot in the Union Garage. Cause of death: Motorcycles, Smart Cars, and Vespa scooters.

7. Ridiculous scheduling

Who in their right mind decided it was necessary to have us take an 8 a.m. final for a 2 p.m. class? We can’t function under these conditions, hence why we chose to have all afternoon and night classes. What's even worse? Having to stay until the last day of finals for a 10 minute PowerPoint presentation. Anddd...i'm officially on the verge of a mental breakdown.

8. Nugs, not Drugs

It’s called Chik-fil-a Express for a reason and as we all know, Susq's is anything but that. During finals week, prepare yourself to drip sweat while desperately feening for those damned waffle fries & an 8-piece nugget. Thuggin' Nuggin' aint easy, but it's well worth it.

9. The Hunger Games

If you’re bored in between finals, count the amount of deliverymen that walk in and out of Cook…it is truly astonishing. I mean if we can't have our freedom, at least we can have a large pepperoni pie from Season’s.

10. Forever being the last man (or woman) standing

While all your friends have already left school and are home for the holidays, you find yourself ugly crying in your alone time, praying for these last few finals to be as quick and painless as possible. But hey, the good news is come Wednesday night…

See you in January, responsibilities!

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