10 Resturants You NEED To Go To In Wausau This Summer | The Odyssey Online
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10 Resturants You NEED To Go To In Wausau This Summer

Don't Let Your Tummy Miss Out

10 Resturants You NEED To Go To In Wausau This Summer

Wausau, Wisconsin is a small city in the heart of central Wisconsin. It is also home to a countless number of amazing restaurants. Anything you want to eat, you can bet somewhere in Wausau has it. There are a few places you just must go to. Whether you live in Wausau or are just visiting, don't miss out on these amazing eateries.

1. Thrive Foodery

Thrive Foodery is located in the growing River District of Wausau. They have a huge seating area and a great community feel. It has a very artsy theme, and feels very cool. They have wonderful burgers and sandwiches, as well as great starters. Try the "Mac Daddy" or the "Smothered and Covered" Burger.

2. Sconni's Alehouse and Eatery

Sconni's is located in Schofield, but still in the Greater Wausau Area. It is definitely worth the drive. It has a unique atmosphere, with a Wisconsin-like theme. They have an amazing outdoor patio dining area. The burgers and fries are scrumptious. Try the "Black and Blue" burger or the "Outlaw Pete" flatbread!

3. Red Eye Brewing Company

Red Eye is my personal favorite place to eat because of their outdoor dining. Plus, their wood fired pizza is to die for! The service is always great, and the wait is never more than an hour. Parking used to be an issue, however they just expanded their parking area. There is no reason to not head out to Red Eye! Try the Hummus Platter for an appetizer and "The Forager" wood fired pizza!.

4. Townie's Grill

Found attached to Malarkey's Pub, Townie's is a relatively new restaurant to the downtown Wausau area. They not only serve lunch and dinner, but breakfast too! The service is fast and the food is delicious. Try the "Ginormous Stuffed Meatball" and the "Wurst Bites!"

5. Carmelo's

Friday fish fry's are the norm in the Wausau area, and Carmelo's sure knows how to make one. Their seafood is wonderful in general, but the fish fry is exceptional. Their Italian food is simply exquisite. Granite Peak Ski Area can be seen right outside the windows, which makes for a beautiful view. Carmelo's is a dining experience you must try more than once. Try the "Beer Battered Fish Fry" or the "Seafood Carmelo."

6. El Jalapeno Mexican Restaurant

El Jalapeno is located in the Washington Square of downtown Wausau. They have amazing Mexican cuisine and a great atmosphere. It has both an upstairs and downstairs bar and eating area, so you can guarantee a short wait time. Try the Fish Tacos or the Spinach Quesadilla!

7. Sam's Pizza

Sam's is hands-down the best pizzeria in Wausau. It has two locations: Schofield and Wausau. Both are equally amazing, with a very classic 50's feel. The best part of the experience is watching them make the pizza for you. This is a staple of Wausau, and you don't want to miss this place. Try the "Garlic Bread with Cheese" and be sure to get a large pizza!

8. Great Dane Pub and Brewing Company

Great Dane is a Wisconsin based company, and Wausau is lucky enough to home one of them. They have a large patio area where they often have live bands to watch while you enjoy your food. Try the "Chicken Caesar Salad" or the "Chicken Pot Pie."

9. 2510 Restaurant

2510 is a classic restaurant in Wausau down Stewart Avenue. It has great seating and outstanding customer service. They have amazing desserts and famous French Onion Soup. They also have a deli and catering service! Try the "Ultimate Ultimate" or the "Nutty Chicken Salad."

10. Wausau Mine Company

Wausau Mine has the coolest feel of any restaurant in Wausau. It is decorated as a mine shaft and feels like the inside of a cave. They are also known for their Italian Fries. These can be a meal of their own. Try the "Italian Fries" and the "House Special" pizza.

Are you hungry yet? Head out and try one of these amazing restaurants!

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