10 Reasons Your Dog Is Your Soulmate
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10 Reasons Your Dog Is Your Soulmate

It has been said that a dog is a man's best friend, so is a soulmate so far fetched?

10 Reasons Your Dog Is Your Soulmate

According to the ASPCA, approximately 37-47 percent of American households have a dog. There are those people who simply have a dog, then there are those who have a fur baby, a small hairy soulmate that steals their heart. It has been said that a dog is a man's best friend, so is a soulmate so far fetched?

It begins as any other pet ownership might, but then slowly things change. Here are ten signs your dog is actually your soulmate.

1. You have an entire album of your fur baby.

Proud parent have tons of photos on their phones or in their wallets of their babies, then there is you with hundreds of photos in a single album for your fur baby. Any time you tell people about your little love, they always ask if you have pictures. "Well here's Tegan when she got out of the shower, and here she is eating her food. Oh, here is a video of her sleeping! Here we are when we went hiking together. Oh, and this is when she went swimming. Look, this is her playing fetch. She is so cute, I love her so much!"

2. You constantly have to debate on whether to make plans or stay with your puppy.

"Hey, Lauren! Would you like to go to the movies?" "But...dogs are not allowed at the movies.." You have withdrawals from not spending enough time with your dog. Whether you have been working several days that week or been out of town, you long to be reunited with your fur baby. Sometimes just sitting with them has to do, but you always want more time. Also, the no pets sign is the bane of your existence.

Why do these even exist??

3. You know jealousy is real.

If there is another dog in the area, you best not pay them any attention. Your pup will no doubt claim you as theirs. Whether it be whining to get your attention, nudging you with their nose, or barking to scare the competition off, you will be claimed. Even another person can cause jealousy. Every potential girlfriend or boyfriend better be prepared to share, after all, you had your pup before you had them. Just saying...

4. Speaking of boyfriends or girlfriends...they have to be dog people.

Oh you don't like dogs? Well, there's the door. You have a strong bond with your pup, and nothing can come between you, including a possible significant other. You have more than likely had the dog far longer than you have had the love interest anyways, and if not, then they can not love you without loving your baby, I mean dog. If it ever comes to the infamous "It's me or the dog"...well at least you will have a loving fur ball to cuddle with.

5. They love what you love.

You never have to worry about your pup turning you down for a good hiking trip,fishing trip, or whatever it is you love to do. Whether the dog actually likes it or not, they will be thrilled to go with you, wherever that may be. "Hey Tegan, want to go hiking in the sweltering heat?" There is only excited prancing, jumping, and barking for your answer. That, my friends, is love.

Shoutout to my Big, Joanna Thompson, for the picture with my love.

6. Regardless of how big they get, they always want to be a lapdog.

Your pup loves you and you love them, even if they are no longer really a pup anymore. While some may only love their dog when they are cute and little, you love yours even when they are half your size.

7. Bath time is the worse for the both of you. You hate what they hate.

It is that dreaded time. It starts with a "b" and ends in an "h." That's right, it is b-a-t-h time. Your pup has some sort of superpower that allows them to know when you are about to bathe them, and it becomes a battle of the wills and skills. Wills because it takes dedication for you to pick up a soapy dog and return them to the tub at least a hundred times, and skills because only a pro is able to bathe a dog, chase a dog, and love a dog, all while getting soaked by them. Your dog has learned how to give you "the glare" after baths, and you have learned how to deal with the look of betrayal they have for you.

8. You feel like a traitor when you think another dog is cute, or if you pet another dog.

If you are out in town without your puppy and see another dog, you can hardly resist to pet the little guy or gal. As your hand strokes their soft fur, your own pup flashes in your mind and you can see their look of betrayal for you. Likewise, if you see a picture online of a pup that needs a home and you think they are cute, you feel like you have committed the worse of all sins. Basically it is them and them only.

9. When you first adopted them (if they were not already named) you spent hours picking out the perfect name.

I adopted Tegan from the lovely Rainbow City Southside Pet Adoption Center and knew when I saw her picture online she was meant to be my puppy. Despite there being a small scare where I thought she had already been adopted, I was correct and she came home with me on April 13 (yes, I know the date). Before I even set foot in the facilities, I had spent hours online trying to find the perfect name for my obviously perfect dog. Finally, Tegan received her name after I stumbled across it. It means beautiful, because obviously, she is. Every dog has their perfect name, and every dog has their perfect owner.

10. At the end of the day, you will always have someone who adores you.

Despite terrible naming skills, doggie accidents, or moments of frustration, you will always have a dog that loves you when you get home. Whether they are tiny warriors or gentle giants, your dog is like your person. They love you no matter who you are, and you can be whatever you want to be around them. Basically, they are your soulmate and you are more than alright with that.

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