10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud To Be A Slytherin
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10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud To Be A Slytherin

Open up your mind... Let these truths slither in.

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Proud To Be A Slytherin


At this point, your feelings about this can go one of two ways:

1) You are absolutely ecstatic about this sorting! In fact, you knew you were a Slytherin since birth! This is nothing but a formality for you. You just wanted to take the damn test to prove to your friends that there is some sort of method to your debauchery (not that you have a love for excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures or anything...)

No, you, my friend, are what I like to call a natural born Slytherin. Someone who knows their pitfalls and doesn't say a thing about them! (even though they secretly think about how to better them incessantly) You are the creme de la creme of Slytherin House. You're pride practically oozes from you which is both disgusting and insanely cool. We're happy to have you, friend! Get ready to feel at home - that is if you've grown up in a dank, dark castle that somehow resembles an underground dungeon next to a lake no one dares swim in.

2) You aren't too sure how you feel about this sorting. You've heard that Slytherins are evil or mean people. That they are trouble and only live to make fun of others. In short, they are bad people who do bad things.

But this couldn't be further from the truth, friend. I know my saying that isn't exactly convincing though. So, here are 10 reasons why being sorted into Slytherin House is something that you should be proud to tell others.

1. We are avid supporters of anyone in our house.

Quiddich? Academics? Wizard's Chess? We'll be there to support you because by being inducted into our house, you are an important part of our family. Brother, Sister, or somewhere in between, you're accepted here and we'll fight for you to the death. And they said Hufflepuffs were loyal...

2. Our Quiddich team is to die for.

Little known fact, before Harry Potter came flouncing up into Hogwarts and Dumbledore started throwing points to Gryffindor left and right, Slytherin had been the raining House Cup champs for SEVEN years! We didn't even need Draco's brooms to win, when things were fair, we won on our own merit.

3. We have a great respect for Administration.

We aren't constantly trying to fight the man. Instead, we just join their repressive regime. After all, if you make them think your their friend, it's easier to break them up from the inside. That and you don't look like an asshole for disrupting class. :) *cough, cough* Potter...

4. We've got quite a brain upstairs.

No one could be an evil genius without the genius bit. And what are Slytherins if not genius'? What kind of person goes out of their way to test a potion enough times to correct their own textbook? Who comes up with their own curses AND a counter curse to fix the damage done? A genius that's who. Ravenclaws are great and they're our friends, but they're doing nothing but helping us on our way to greatness as far as the brains are concerned.

5. Our Head of House is a Badass.

Say what you will about Severus Snape, but you can't deny that he cares about his snakes. From making the House Cup a bit more fair to getting his students out of a scrape with Filch, he's always there to make sure us Slytherins are on top of our game.

6. We always strive to be the best we can be.

We are told from a young age that we must be cunning and clever to be successful. Because of this, we find ourselves a bit stressed out at times. That's ok though because all we need to do is have a moment to ourselves and we're back on top - ready to become the best we can be.

7. We got style.

Passing notes? Throwing insults? Those things may be associated with ugliness, but we do it with a charming smirk on our face. Just makes you want to kiss us and beat us with a brick at the same time, doesn't it?

8. We know what hard decisions are all about.

Because we've got such close ties to evil in our world, we find ourselves in a bit of a spot at times. Do we remain true to our family ties or stand up for what is right? We may mess up at times, but in the end we make the right decision for ourselves.

9. Even Dumbledore - arguably the greatest Gryffindor since Godric - thought we were brave.

Not because we continued to love our childhood friend, but because we choose to protect those we believe to be our responsibility. So much so that we would even kill and die so that they could do what they were meant to do - even in the face of absolute evil. If that's not bravery, I don't know what is...

10. We know (even if it's deep down) that we're exactly where we're meant to be.

Slytherin is as much of a home as any other house, but we know that we wouldn't fit in anywhere else quite as well. We're smart, we're brave, we're loyal - we are the best parts of every house, but most importantly we're ourselves. No suppression, no games - we face our monsters head on in the mirror and that's what makes us great. So be proud that you have been sorted into this great and historical house. You're one of us now.

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