10 Reasons To Hug Your Mom Today | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons To Hug Your Mom Today

We get it from our mamas!

10 Reasons To Hug Your Mom Today
The Odyssey Online

Everyone knows that mothers are a one of a kind species. They're the only ones on the planet that can remind you that they brought you into this world, but can take you out of it just as easily. They know which cleaning product to use for the gum you stepped on that is now stuck to your floor, or what you were really doing out so late last night with your friends (because let's be real, it definitely wasn't working on a project). As much as they can drive you crazy, you know that at the end of the day you wouldn't make it a week without that special woman by your side. In honor of Mother's Day this past weekend, here are ten reasons to hug your mom today... and every day!

1. Her love doesn't have an expiration date.

Everyone says that a mother has to love you because it's her job, but it's not everyday you find someone who will love you no matter how many times you say or do the wrong thing. Love is a choice, and trust me, your mom has chosen to unconditionally love you from the moment she first held you in her arms. And the best part is, she'd do it all over again if she could!

2. She influences you more than you think.

Although I know I am my mother's daughter on so many levels, some daughters are the polar opposite of their mothers. If you're one of those people, take a step back; even though you may be worlds apart in looks and/or personality, do you ever notice something you both do? Maybe it's a hand gesture or saying, your shared road rage or that you hate the same foods. It can be kind of scary how much more we become our moms as we grow older, but I know I wouldn't have it any other way.

3. She's the only person in the world you're allowed to annoy as much as you want.

I'm 90% sure my mom has been done with my shenanigans for years, but she still answers my panicked phone calls and texts when I miss a doctor's appointment or completely forget how to work a stove. So thank your mom for putting up with your frantic, moody, dumb or at times downright miserable phases!

4. She's human, too.

Yes, even SuperMoms need to turn in their capes sometimes! Moms get tired, stressed and moody just like the rest of us. There is no step-by-step manual when it comes to raising tiny humans to be good, functional people in the world. While it's normal to get annoyed with her sometimes, keep in mind that you weren't always a walk in the park to take care of, either. So if she needs to freak out a little from time to time, let her. Always remember who she helped you to become and that you wouldn't be where you are today without her! I don't know about you, but I think that alone makes her sound pretty cool.

5. She gave you the world without expecting anything in return.

Despite all the times she's said no when you wanted to go to that party, she's given you all you could have ever needed: a warm bed, food, clean laundry, electronics, and not to mention your favorite childhood toys and movies. Your mom is just awesome like that, even though she'd never expect anything in return from you. Give her a hug anyway!

6. She would turn into the next Karate Kid if it meant protecting you.

If there's one thing mothers are not, it's being tolerant of their children getting pushed around. If you think she's scary during rush hour traffic, just wait until somebody threatens you. Whether it's another kid picking on you on the playground or a relentless boss at your first job, your mom's always the first one to offer to take care of it herself. She turns on the switch; with your mom around, you never feel like you have to get stepped on by anyone.

Seriously, though... don't mess with a mama.

7. She can actually be cool... sometimes.

With the amount of things your mom has to deal with on a day-to-day basis, it's a miracle she can even still crack a smile at the end of the day. So when she randomly decides to start dancing to a One Direction song in the middle of Macy's or wants to buy the same pairs of shoes as you, don't get embarrassed. Just go with it! It's a lot easier to be able to laugh with your mom (not to mention funnier)!

8. She isn't afraid to tell it like it is.

Leave it to mom to tell the harsh truth, even if you don't want to hear it! Whether it's that she thinks your outfit makes you look like a stripper or that you could do so much better than him, she never means to be cruel. She's just biased and thinks you deserve better, no matter what.

10. She keeps you sane while you keep her young.

It took a lot on her part to get you to where you are today. Before you could get a chance to fly the nest and be independent, you had to be prepared to do so. If you move away from home, always remember to visit or give her a call. We're all busy, but she's always happy to hear from you and spend time with you!

With everything our mothers do for us, there's never a wrong or bad time to let her know how much you appreciate her. And if you can't, be sure to hug someone who has been there for you and has supported you like a mother would!

Thanks for all you do, SuperMoms!

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