10 Places To Get Your Vintage On In Phoenix
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10 Places To Get Your Vintage On In Phoenix

Give Second-Hand Christmas Shopping a Try, I dare you

10 Places To Get Your Vintage On In Phoenix

The holiday season is here and you should strongly consider going vintage with your gifts this year. Old things are awesome and have so much more personality than that boring sweater you got at a department store. So here are some fantastical places in Phoenix, Arizona to shop and live the vintage and antique life this Christmas season. All certified to be amazing by my nineteen years as a vintage loving, Phoenix native.

1. Zinnias

Zinnias has to be one of my favorite antique shops in the Phoenix area. It is a huge warehouse of all kinds of odds and ends; from vintage suitcases, furniture, and clothing to more unique finds like working stop lights, vintage lockers, and colorful mannequins.

2. Phoenix Flea

This is a cute little, crafty flea market that sets up shop in Heritage Square every so often and is full of amazing vintage finds and handmade products by local artists. It costs $5 to enter and enjoy the market, but trust me, it is well worth it.

3. Flo’s on 7th

I think I would describe Flo's as a nicer, more fun-loving (and clean) version of a Savers. They have absolutely fantastic steals; I got a full length, pink, sparkly, 1950s style dress there for $7. You can't beat that, my friends. Now, it's not all vintage, but it definitely qualifies as a second-hand shoppers heaven. P.S., they also have furniture, accessories, and other randomness to explore.

4. MacAlpines

MacAlpines is simply amazing - they have it all. They are a 1950s soda fountain and restaurant as well as a vintage supplier. I mean, look at that picture and try telling me you aren't already in your car driving there.

5. Epic thrift, Savers, and Goodwill

Now you may not have been expecting this, but you can find some really great stuff at these low-end second-hand places. I'm serious, I shop at these places for myself all the time and can easily find name brands in fabulous condition as well as a vintage find here and there.

6. Buffalo exchange

Oh sweet Buffalo; I have gotten many a high school homecoming dress here. This is the place for the shopper that doesn't feel like digging through the dirt of Savers, but doesn't want a prim and proper lacy vintage store. They are a cool second-hand and vintage clothing and accessory shop that makes it completely impossible to leave without buying something.

7. Sweet Salvage

Sweet Salvage is a unique antique outlet in that it only shows its face once a month for four days, having a different theme each time - how fun? My recent finds have included vintage letters to spell my initials and a pair of mighty fine combat boots. They have lawn accessories, clothing, furniture, and anything your little second-hand heart desires.

8. Brass Armadillo

The Brass Armadillo is the Mecca of all antique stores; the word "store" does not even begin to describe its massive nature. This antique mall is full of over 600 separate vignettes of different vendors. When you visit this one, it is an adventure that takes a full day, buckle up.

9. Frances

Now, this one is a little different than the rest on the list in that it doesn't carry any actual vintage. *Gasp* However, it does have the charm of a vintage vibe and is full of amazing gifts, clothes, and accessories primarily made by phoenix artists and small businesses. I mean, come on, what beats supporting your local art scene?

10. Grow Op

Last, but certainly not least is GrowOp. They are one of my absolute favorites because they perfectly integrate new, old, and agriculture. Their store has clothing produced by local artists, perfectly curated vintage pieces, and is surrounded by a community garden; plus, the little house it is set in is adorably vintage as well.

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