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10 Must Have Items When Living in a College Dorm

Some must have items you should bring with you this upcoming fall semester.

10 Must Have Items When Living in a College Dorm

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When first moving away from home and into a college dorm, many people like myself stress of what to bring to their college dorm. After being in the dorms for a few months now I have collected a list of a few must haves' items you should consider bringing with you this coming fall semester.

Mini Fridge

I know buying a mini fridge can be expensive, but it truly is one of the most used items that is used in my dorm. If you have places such as "Good Will", "St. Matthews Thrift Store", or any thrift store that sells appliances for a good price. It is an investment that you do not want to miss out on.

Shower Shoes

This item is commonly forgotten but very important to have if you are living in a dorm that has community bathrooms. One of the best places to find shower shoes are on "Amazon" for as low as $13. This item will keep for feet safe when using the community showers in the dorms.

Shower Caddy

You can find this item on "Amazon" for $8. This item is extremely helpful when you are going to take a shower, it holds all of your must have shower items, so you do not lose or struggle carrying all of your things.

Storage Drawers

When it comes to living in a dorm you are not given much storage space. I found that having storage drawers to be a life safer in storing clothes and any other items that I do not want to lay out. You can find storage drawers in places such as "Amazon" and "Walmart".

Power Strip

When moving into a college dorm you do not really know where all of the outlets will be located. For items such as a microwave and a mini fridge that do not have a long cord, having a power strip will be extremely helpful.

First Aid Kit

If you are as clumsy as I am, or just like to feel safe and be prepared for anything, then having a first aid kit with you in your dorm will be your saving grace. I was able to purchase my first aid kit at "Walmart".


If your college dorm is just like mine where they have a regulation on having candles in the dorm due to safety hazards. Buying Febreze is the best alternative to keeping your dorm smelling fresh.


Some colleges provide microwaves in their common areas, but I think its important to have one of your own for convenience purposes. As well as you will not have to deal with someone who has made a mess with the microwave.

Reusable Water Bottle

Having a water bottle with you in general is a must have especially here in Florida where the weather can get really hot. Not only is it a cute thing to carry around, but it is also good for the environment.

Ten-Foot Long Charger

Typically, in a dorm your bed is pretty high in order for students to have more storage space. Having a Six-foot charger that is able to reach all the way to the top of your bed is a convenient item to have.

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