Summer is finally here! You’ll most likely be working, studying, partying or just chilling at home. In any case, looking for a long time for a movie on your own Netflix or using someone else’s – don’t be ashamed – is inevitable. You are bored with past selections, but don’t worry about it! Here are a few films I consider “hidden gems.” Enjoy!
People Places Things (2015)
This film includes a mix of comedy and drama to help release some tears while having a good laugh. The film touches on the subject of relationship separation and the life of an art teacher at a dead end in his career.
Jenny’s Wedding (2015)
The struggle of acceptance and progress between family members on the issue of same-sex marriage surround Jenny as she comes out as gay and in a secret relationship. A beautiful story filled with heart, doubt, and ultimately much joy that will leave you wanting more.
Beginners (2011)
Ewan McGregor and Christopher Plummer star in this film realistically portraying loss and reflection on personal issues as father and son. Pure and interesting dialogue gives the viewer insight into the struggle of marriage, commitment, and remembering the best parts of family memories.
Don’t Blink
An original film that gives you both suspense and horror that leaves you thinking. Great movie for a night with friends looking for a horror flick not saturated in Blockbuster profits and overused jump scares.
The Trip
A hilarious and relaxed film that watches two semi-friends travel together rating restaurants and making jokes along the way. Impressions, impressive food, and beautiful countryside imagery make this film worth an afternoon inside.
Equilibrium (2002)
A science fiction film featuring Christian Bale? Yes, please! In a world where emotions are suppressed with medication and there is a line of defense made to attack anyone against the status; this fictional world is both interesting to watch and use to examine own future.
The Burbs (1989)
Tom Hanks deals with unique neighbors and crazy rumors bringing the laughs in this classic comedy. The interesting and quirky characters develop as both beloved and feared as the story moves forward. Weirdly, you’ll want to belong to this insane suburb once the film is over without one boring day.
Not your usual interview for a job, this film examines what is possible in a room full of strangers aiming for the same position at a company. Morals, ethical responsibility, and intelligence are all questioned in this dramatic thriller.
Galaxy Quest
Missing Alan Rickman? We all do. Watch him in this hilarious and often forgotten movie alongside Tim Allen and Sigourney Weaver. A fun twist on the science fiction comedy film with a look at actors and an otherworldly impact.
People Will Talk
Cary Grant stars in this classic romance film about charm, status, and rebellion against relationship guidelines. A must see movie of his with a significant other or just with friends. So much fun to watch!
I hope you enjoy any of these films you watch this summer! It is often the hidden films that we hold on to and cherish the most. Finding a new favorite film is often difficult when you’ve seen most out there, but maybe this list will lead you to watch a film you never thought you would enjoy. Have an awesome summer and have fun!