7. There is nothing wrong with being spontaneous. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From 'Mamma Mia'

Lesson one: you're still a dancing queen even if you are no longer seventeen. Don't fight me on this.

10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From 'Mamma Mia'

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If you've never been fortunate enough to watch the film known as "Mamma Mia", you aren't living life to its fullest potential. With the sequel having come out this year, there is no better time to look back and reflect on the important lessons the film has taught us—and trust me, there are quite a few. The story in all of its beautiful, unbridled glory has something for everyone, and I think we can all afford to approach life more like Donna.

1. The world out there is waiting for you to explore it.


Like Donna and Sophie, we can't refuse to escape our form of familiar. Even if you can't physically travel the world, exposing yourself to new ideas and experiences are enough to change your worldview and remind you of how much lies ahead of you. There is so much out there, and once you remind yourself of that, the little challenges each day become much more manageable.

2. Your family is what you create—not what you're born with.


Biologically, Sophie only has one father, but instead of adhering to that tradition, she now has three fathers who all love and care for her, proving that real family isn't just the people who watch you grow. The people who come to love you for who you are can be considered family too.

3. Everything is simple once you break it down.


Even the obstacles that seem formidable can crumble with sheer courage and strength of character. Any problem that you face can be broken down to become easier to manage. It's okay to take on the world one step at a time. You don't have to decide what job you want right now. It's okay to simply focus on studying what makes you happy at the moment.

4. Heartbreak isn't the end of the world.


If there is anything the love story between Sam and Donna should teach you, it's that you can get your heart broken, brush yourself off, and move on.

5. Dancing can solve any problem.



6. Being a mother isn't easy. If it was, fathers would do it.


Being a parent is far from an easy task, but watching Donna prepare herself to put everything on the line for her daughter is something else all together. If anything, her dedication proves that the most worthwhile and meaningful relationship in the entire film series is between Donna and Sophie. Both would do anything for each other, and I can say from experience that there is nothing that compares to a mother's love.

7. There is nothing wrong with being spontaneous. 


In fact, embrace it! We don't have to break out into large musical numbers, but even saying "yes" to things that you'd normally reject right away can open up a world of possibilities and experiences you could only dream of.

8. True best friends stick with you through thick and thin. 


Tanya and Rosie were always the first to arrive whenever Donna needed them, and that love never faltered once. Their incredible friendship proves that if you find the best kind of people, you should hold onto them because only a select group of people are willing to remind you that you are a dancing queen.

9. You can have multiple great loves.


We are so used to hearing that our first love is our best love or that you'll find the right person instantly, and that is simply not the case. Donna's relationships with Sam, Bill, and Harry enforce the idea that each connection is different, and we shouldn't force ourselves to find "the one" immediately. You'll find the person you want to be with when you least expect it.

10. There is nothing like a song from the soundtrack to make your entire day.


It's rare that you can listen to such a timeless piece of art, and each song is classic.

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