10 Facts About Christmas That Would Surprise You
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10 Facts About Christmas That Would Surprise You

Whether it holds pagan traditions (which it undeniably does), Christian beliefs, or some other third thing, this time of year simply asks you to be kind to your neighbor and think of the less fortunate.

10 Facts About Christmas That Would Surprise You
Coca-Cola Company

Ah, Christmas. We are nearing that time of togetherness, family, and presents. Despite there being arguments and debates on this holiday, as a generalization, it is enjoyed by many of all backgrounds. Whether it holds pagan traditions (which it undeniably does), Christian beliefs, or some other third thing, this time of year simply asks you to be kind to your neighbor and think of the less fortunate. Now, does that seem so bad? Not asking for much. Any who, there are plenty of facts I’m sure you never heard about Christmas. Although there are many here are 10 that I found really interesting:

1. X-mas

Year after year after year, I have heard people say (and have seen them write) “Xmas” instead of Christmas. This always bothered me that people just couldn’t say “Christmas”. Regardless if it’s laziness or shorthand, Xmas is a completely acceptable way to write “Christmas”. "X", the Greek letter “Chi”, is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, which in English is "Christ". And “-mas” is from the word “mass”. By strict definition it means Christ’s mass.

2. December 25th

Never in the Bible did it mention that Jesus was born on December 25th or winter for that matter. This date was most likely chosen due to the ancient pagan festival Saturnalia (which celebrated the agricultural god Saturn with partying and gift-giving) on that day. Even though Christians hold this day as a high holy day, it has pagan roots.

3. Gift-giving

Why exactly do we give gifts during this holiday? Some say it is because it is to reenact what the Wise Men did for Jesus. Others say it was to mimic the pagan festival, Saturnalia.

4. From St. Nicholas to Santa Claus

St. Nicholas is a Christian saint from Turkey who is the patron of protecting children. He would give gift and food to the poor children who had nothing. He became more well-known after his death. In Dutch, his name is Sinter Klaas, and soon enough after playing whisper down the lane and translating it a few times it became Santa Claus.

5. Hanging Stockings

People hung stockings by the fireplace so that they may dry by the fire. How did this become a Christmas tradition, though? Story has it that a very poor man with three daughters could not afford the dowry to have them married. St. Nicholas heard of this and he dropped a bag of gold down the man’s chimney and it landed in one of the stockings.

6. Decorating with Holly

The Celtic Druids used holly for their pagan festival as a decoration. Although it has many meanings and uses, The Celtic Druids decorated their homes with holly to ward off any evil spirits. Holly is considered to be flypaper with evil spirits, in a sense. Aside from spirits, decorating with holly was a sign of a nice and welcoming gesture.

7. Kissing under the Mistletoe

Kissing under the mistletoe stems from the Norse mythology – despite its other uses stemming from Celtic traditions as well. Legend has it that Balden, son of Goddess Frigga, was killed by an evil spirit with a mistletoe sprig. Frigga was so saddened by this, she wept. Her tears brought her son, Balden, back to life. Frigga was so pleased with the return of her son that she promised that all who passed under it would be kissed. Certainly, traditions and stories have changed throughout the years, but this is one of the earliest.

8. Santa’s Red Coat

Throughout history, Santa Claus has been depicted wearing blue, white, and green. However the red and white cloaked Santa we know and love did not become popular until 1930s due to a Coca Cola ad – so much for not making this a commercial holiday.

9. Colors Red and Green

Why are the colors of Christmas typically red and green? After all, it is winter and everything has died or is covered in snow. There is no red or green to be found. Well, that may be true but not for winter sprigs and trees such as evergreens, firs, and holly and mistletoe. These plants and trees are green with red berries and symbolize everlasting life. It also represents that there can be color and happiness in even the most threatening conditions.

10. Decorating with wreaths

The wreath is a symbol of power and strength. In Rome and Greece, emperors wore laurel wreaths as crowns. This is connected to their sun god, Apollo, and thought to embody his values when wearing the wreaths. We may not wear them as crowns now, but we still decorate with wreaths. Wreaths, in addition to power and strength, represent fortitude and that you will live through the harshest of winters.

Interesting. Seems that for a religions (Christian, mainly) holiday, it has a lot of pagan and Celtic traditions. I guess the Church has (or had) a soft spot for other religions and traditions after all. No matter the roots and traditions of this holiday, remember that this is a time to care for others and spread peace. This may now be a more commercial-driven holiday, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t respect and care for others – especially the less fortunate.

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