10 Christian Songs That Can Become Your Prayer To God | The Odyssey Online
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10 Christian Songs That Can Become Your Prayer To God

Sometimes songs can help us speak to the Lord too.

10 Christian Songs That Can Become Your Prayer To God
Amber McCarty

I love listening to Christian music and oftentimes find songs that speak to me. There is something wonderful about songs that give praise to God and just make you want to lift your hands and thank Him. However, there are many songs out there that I have come to find to be like prayers. These songs' prayers touch my heart in a way that makes me recognize the depth and pain of my soul. And makes me realize the prayers that I haven't given to God. So take a deep breath, grab some tissues, and take a seat. God is about to speak to you through these beautiful songs...

1. "Give Me Faith" by Elevation Worship.

Give me faith to trust what You say,
That You're good and Your love is great
I'm broken inside, I give You my life.

This song is a surrender to God. Sometimes we need to stop and recognize how great God is and how our lives should be surrendered to Him. We must ask Him to soften our hearts, open our eyes, cleanse us, and put us back together. I listen to this song often in my weakest times when I know my faith is diminished. I soon come to recognize that I am broken and that's OK but I must continue to walk daily in my faith.

2. "Great Plans" by Cloverton.

I know you're scared but the voices in your head, will send you mine instead; they'll say "Great plans I have for you."

I fell in love with this song years ago and although it is slow, it is a truly moving song. This is not a prayer song but is rather a song intended to be God speaking to us. Sometimes when I am in a rough patch and don't really know what God is doing in my life, I sit down and listen to this song and the tears start rolling in. God has great plans for us and sometimes this is hard to recognize. His plans are for us to prosper. Our future is in His hands and we must recognize this daily.

3. "I Will Look Up" by Elevation Worship.

I will look up for there is none above You
I will bow down to tell You that I need You
Jesus Lord of all

This song is another prayer of surrender. Every single worry and doubt we must lay at our Father's feet. We must trust that God has everything and everyone in His hands and that He is fully working in our lives. Our prayer should be to look up to God rather than looking out to the world and bowing down to God rather than bowing down to those around us. Sometimes we get caught up in the world but must always come back to this prayer of surrender and commitment.

4. "Set a Fire" by Will Reagan & United Pursuit.

Set a fire down in my soul
That I can't contain, that I can't control
I want more of you God

This song is my anthem prayer. It's repetitive but truly speaks the deepest desires of my heart. We can get so caught up in this world and become dry. We struggle to maintain our faith and to show the world love. That's why we must ask the Lord to set a fire in our souls. To ignite our passions and love for Him and to have us live a life that is worth spreading. Sometimes when I listen to this song, I like to think of my favorite place in the world or a place that I greatly miss. I then picture God's enormous love and grace and often get chills at the fact that my favorite place is nothing compared to the place of God's love. Wherever you are in life, God will meet you there and so will His love. And in His love is the best place you could be.

5. "Lord I'm Ready Now" by Plumb.

Oh Lord I'm ready now
All the walls are down
Time is running out
And I wanna make this count
I ran away from you
And did what I wanted to
But I don't wanna let you down
Oh Lord I'm ready now

God continually waits for us and calls out to us yet we need to recognize that our time is limited. We have to be ready for the Lord now before it is too late. This song is one that asks for forgiveness. We often run away from God and then regret it. However, due to Jesus's sacrifice, God will always allow us to run back into His arms. If you are at a point in your life where you've run away from God, maybe it is time to pray this prayer and run back to the Lord.

6. "Holy Spirit" by Francesca Battistelli.

Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your presence, Lord

When worshiping God, we must always ask the Holy Spirit to come in and move us. This song does exactly that, inviting the Holy Spirit in to touch us and change our hearts. Being in God's presence is the most serene, beautiful feeling and I often feel most enveloped by God when I am surrounded by nature or surrounded by a congregation worshiping the Lord. Welcome God into your hearts and let Him touch you. Don't be afraid to get emotional or to feel moved. Those moments can sometimes be the most touching moments of your life.

7. "Give Us Clean Hands" by Chris Tomlin.

Oh give us clean hands and give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another

Oh God let this be a generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, oh God of Jacob

Whenever I listen to this song, I come to recognize the sins I am bounded by and the sins the world is bounded by. I recognize that I must ask God for clean hands and a pure heart. I must ask God to free me of my bondage that has been holding me back. Our generation is stuck in a place of bondage. However, we must continually ask God to turn this generation into one that seeks Him. Analyze your prayers today. Are you asking God for things you want or are you asking Him for forgiveness of your sins and for redemption in this world?

8. "Fall Afresh" by Bethel Music.

Spirit of the living God come fall afresh on me
Come wake me from my sleep
Blow through the caverns of my soul
Pour in me to overflow

Are you asleep? I know at points that I am. At points, I am not an active Christian seeking God and striving to love others. This song is a declaration to exactly that. To have God to wake us up and move in us so that we may love Him and love others more. Ask God to awaken your soul. To want to know more of Him and build a passion in your heart to love.

9. "Lead Me to the Cross" by Hillsong United.

Lead me to the cross
Where Your love poured out
Bring me to my knees
Lord I lay me down
Rid me of myself
I belong to You
Lead me, lead me to the cross

Once in a while, I come to forget the sacrifice God made for us by sending His son to die on the cross for our sins. The ultimate sacrifice was made by Jesus Christ who died on the cross to forgive the whole world of their sins. If that sacrifice was not made, we would not be forgiven. We would live in a world of great despair. Thus we must ask the Lord to lead us to the cross. To help us recognize His sacrifice and to treasure it in our hearts. To experience His love and truly understand it. We belong to the Lord who saved our lives and often, we should pray to understand His love and sacrifice for us.

10. "Thy Will" by Hillary Scott & The Scott Family.

Sometimes I gotta stop, remember that you're God and I am not so

Thy will be done

This song has been on my heart so much recently. It is a cry to God to help us comprehend the fact that our life is not ours, but it is His. Thus we must pray that His will be done in our lives. We must lay down every burden we have and give it to the Lord. His plans are for us and He will do good in our lives. He laid down His life for us, so we must lay our lives down for Him. Tears come to my eyes when I listen to this song because I know I don't give my life fully to God because I like to control where I am going. But I must let Him take control and trust that He is good and His promises are good. Lay down your life today for the One who laid down His life for you.

To everyone who is struggling and full of worry, pray these prayers today so that you may be filled with God's love and blessings. He hears you and He is for you.

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