Grew up in the 2000s and had these PC struggles | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things You Used Your PC For If You Grew Up In the Early 2000s

Caution: These might make you feel old...

10 Things You Used Your PC For If You Grew Up In the Early 2000s

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If you grew up in the early 2000's, you most likely have a bigger appreciation for today's technology than the newer generations do. The fact that we can now finally go online whenever we want, and pretty much do whatever we want, is a great achievement. We no longer have to worry about dial up internet problems (remember when your mom was in the other room yelling at you to get off the internet because she was trying to use the phone? yeah, those days are gone!), or slow PC issues (well, not as much). Also, let's not forget that we once had only one PC in the entire household and so we had to share that dinosaur with the whole family... Whose turn it was to use it next was the reason why 6/10 of all the sibling-fights would happen.

Even when you had the opportunity to use it however, you probably didn't spend your time on there very wisely. The options were limited, and so you would most likely find yourself using one of these apps, or surfing one the following websites...

1. Microsoft Paint

Most computers nowadays still have Paint installed, but how many of us really use it anymore? Back then, we felt like little Picassos playing around with all the tools and colors available.

2. Minesweeper

Nobody really knew how to play Minesweeper. We would all pretty much just click around until we'd run into a bomb and we'd start over...

3. Solitaire

Solitaire has always been a classic. It might have taken some of us longer to learn than others, but practice makes you a master, and that's why we're here today...

4. 3D Pinball Space Cadet

Not only was this game cool enough on its own, but the sound effects and the music in the background made it even more awesome!

5. Microsoft Word

The day we discovered all the crazy 3D Word fonts, there was no going back! It started as something fun, but ever since, we use Microsoft Word for EVERYTHING: school, work, hobbies... A very important tool that'll always be a part of our lives.

6. Barbie Games

Every girl in the 2000's has most likely visited Barbie's website. From dress up games, to taking care of pets, they had everything on there!

7. Hot-Wheels Games

Boys however, preferred the Hot Wheels website.

8. Limewire

Limewire was where you'd go to download songs, but you'd end up getting a virus instead. Thanks to Spotify, Google Play Music, Youtube, etc., making your own fire playlist has become easier than ever!

9. MSN

MSN (or even Myspace) were as close as we could get to Facebook at that time. Because of our young age, most of us were probably not allowed to go on MSN unattended, but that doesn't mean that we weren't allowed to chat with friends and family under adult supervision.

10. CD-ROM

Ok, CD-ROMS were, and still are, great! I mean, you can play so many games thanks to them, it's crazy!

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