This is Noah Ritter:
Noah Ritter is an adorable seven-year-old who first made news in 2014 as a guest on a local news channel. If you haven't watched this video, I advise you to before finishing the rest of this article.
My obsession with Noah Ritter first began in late 2014. I was a freshman in college, starting midterms, when I absent-mindedly came across the above video on my Facebook timeline (procrastinating studying for midterms... of course).
I instantly fell in love. Not the type of love where I shouldn't be writing about for a 6 year old boy on the internet because I am a 20 years old. The type of love where you just want to grab this little boy and give him a nice smooch on the cheek (I can see how this is also not helping my case).
To my surprise, more videos of Noah had been posted on youtube. Not just any videos, but videos of him on Ellen Degeneres's show.
At first he made one appearance, but then through the months, Ellen kept having him back on her show.
My obsession had become full-blown. I craved this adorable little boy. I needed his videos like I needed four cups of coffee in the morning. I needed his videos like I need to eat guacamole at least three times a week.
But this obsession, months later, didn't fade. My small obsessions with other minor videos faded in and out, but my Noah Ritter obsession only grew.
So in conclusion: you should probably know who Noah Ritter. And if you are a stressed out college kid, I advise you to google Noah Ritter and watch his videos for as many hours as possible.
PS: If Ellen Degeneres is reading this, please make me a guest star on your television show next time you host Noah Ritter.