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22 Things To Do When You Feel Like You Need A Fresh Start

You have to do something different if you want to feel different.

22 Things To Do When You Feel Like You Need A Fresh Start
Sadie Lebo

After a break-up, a life crisis or just plain boredom, picking just one of these things will help you feel new and improved. When I have gone through anything hard in my life or whenever I just feel stuck, I have found that change is the best way to come out of it. So if you feel like you need a fresh start in life, here are some ways to set yourself free.

1. Get a new haircut or color

Changing my look is my number one go-to when I want to feel better. It makes you feel like a new person and gives you confidence. It can be as settle or as drastic as you want.

2. Start a new job 

If you're not happy at your current job or don't have a job at all, getting a job somewhere you have never worked can be very exciting. Working is a great way to feel independent and earning your own money is extremely rewarding. The best part about a new job is all of the new people you will meet and possible friendships it could form.

3. Try a new style of make-up

Look on YouTube for new looks or tricks to make yourself feel new and sexy. I hate getting bored of how I look, that's why it is so fun to be able to transform my face and it's something you can continue to change over and over again.

4. Rearrange or redecorate your room

I rearrange and redecorate my room almost every 6 months just because I love the way it feels. If this isn't something you do, you should definitely start. I always feel so renewed and inspired after changing up my space.

5. Clean out your room or closet 

Clutter is stressful and can make you feel trapped. It is such a good feeling to get rid of a bunch of stuff or clothes that you don't care about anymore. It also creates more room for new things you want to get.

6. Go get your nails done

I always feel so complete when my fingernails and toenails look perfect and painted. Going to the nail salon is therapeutic and I always feel refreshed after.

7. Join a club

Just like a new job, joining a club can be very exciting. The coolest part about joining a club is all of the people you will meet and you never know what those connections could lead you to.

8. Buy yourself something nice because you deserve it 

If you're feeling stuck, go to target and buy yourself that thing you've thought about buying for weeks. You deserve it and you need something to remind yourself that you are worth it and to be happy.

9. Day at the spa

Take the nail salon up a level and go to a spa. If you don't have the money for that (because same) then create your own spa at home. Throw some Epsom salts in the bath, put a face mask on and pour yourself a glass of wine.

10. Start a workout routine 

Not only is working out super good for your health but it's even better for your mind. Pushing yourself to work out every day or every other day will change your life and nothing say fresh start like a new rocking body.

11. Become obsessed with eating healthy

Changing your diet will make you feel so good and make you look even better. You might even surprise yourself and end up enjoying eating healthy. Eating healthy usually involves cooking, which is a great hobby to pick up.

12. Buy a new outfit that is unlike anything you own 

Buying new clothes feels amazing and wearing something you normally wouldn't wear will make you feel like a different you, which can be nice sometimes. The best part is wearing it out to the bar with your friends and making sure everyone sees how great you look.

13. Adopt a cat, dog or fish 

Adopting a pet can be the most therapeutic thing ever. To put so much love into something and getting love back is a great feeling. It's a big commitment so make sure you are ready before adopting.

14. Start regularly volunteering at an animal shelter 

If you decided you are not ready to adopt and have all that responsible, that is okay. You can just go to your local animal shelter and help all the animals they have there. It will be so rewarding and it's a great hobby to have.

15. Photoshoot

Getting glamour shots of yourself is my favorite thing. It is so uplifting to see yourself look amazing and get to show those pictures off. It is also super fun to look back on those pictures and see how much you have changed. You won't regret it.

16. Go on a trip

Going on a trip is a great way to clear your mind. It doesn't matter how big or small the trip is. Whether it's a week in the sun or just a few days at a campsite near you I can promise you, you will return a more focused and relaxed you.

17. Start listening to a new artist 

We listen to music every day and it can start to get a little old. Finding a new artist can open up a whole new world for you and can change the way you feel every day. Music impacts us more than we know. Depending on the vibe of music you listen to, can determine how positive or negative you feel.

18. Cut off someone toxic

If you constantly feel like you need a fresh start or feel like you need to get away, maybe there is a reason. Cutting off someone in your life that brings you down will only make things better. "Not everyone you lose is a loss." is a common saying because it's true.

19. Delete one of your social media accounts 

Sometimes having to bounce from one social media to the next can feel overwhelming. I deleted my Twitter a couple months ago and it lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I felt like less people were watching me and I felt free. I haven't gone back and I don't regret it.

20. Go through and clean out your social media

If deleting your social media freaks you out then you can just clean it out instead. Delete all your old pictures on Facebook or Instagram that you don't care about anymore and unfollow people that you haven't talked to in forever. You will feel less stressed and refreshed.

21. Read a book

Starting a book can be hard, especially when you have so many things to do. But reading a book is so peaceful and when I finish I am never the same person that I was before I started. Some of the books I have read have changed the way I think about things and have made me a stronger person.

22. Buy tickets to a concert

Just like going on a trip, going to a concert can change your mindset. Experiences are the best way to forget the past and start looking forward to things to come.

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