As my first college semester, 8:00 a.m. classes and late nights went on, I decided that makeup on a consistent basis just wasn’t going to happen for me. Not because I wanted to be “granola” or take a stand against animal testing with cosmetics (although — c’mon, that stuff breaks my heart). Unless it was game day or some special occasion, I pretty much let my face be naked every day.
The results were funny. And they were surprising.
It’s both frightening and sad to me that so many girls my age hide behind a literal mask of photo-ready, pore minimizing foundation, defined contour meticulously constructed with a straight edge and Naked eyeshadow blends. (But seriously, what’s the deal with calling it “Naked”? I know your eyelids aren’t naturally dark brown and shimmery. You aren’t fooling me, Urban Decay.)
Let the record show, however, that I think makeup is fun. It can just be a nuisance, a hassle and for me personally — a serious self-esteem crutch. I am a girl and like any girl, I still love to get all dolled up with the circumstances call for it.
On the rare occasion, I did wear makeup (days I had a job interview, rush week, if I had some sort of presentation, etc.) people were shocked. And this shocked me.
They would say, “Wow, you look so gorgeous!” or even, “Dang, I didn’t even recognize you!” While in high school if I didn’t wear makeup I got a lot of, “Are you sick? Or just tired?” and people assuming I had slept through my alarm and simply didn’t have time to put my face on.
This time last year, I wouldn’t even leave the house without at least mascara on. I think this stemmed from an overwhelming lack of confidence due to from comparisons. Thoughts of that girl with the perfect skin who doesn’t even have to wear concealer or the other girl with the thick, dark eyelashes without touching them haunted me every time I was in front of a mirror. Those girls who quite literally “woke up like this.”
But college and this new season in my life has given me confidence. I realized that even if I looked like a mess people were going to like me anyway. Heck, people were going to love me anyway. Despite my dark circles under my eyes that screamed "lack of sleep" and my many stress blemishes, I would still get compliments, and quite honestly, they were more sincere and genuine. The irrational thought that people wouldn’t like me because I didn’t look 100 percent put together vanished when I used my last makeup remover wipe.
Isn’t it funny how we can stare at ourselves in a mirror for hours on end — picking and poking and prodding, wishing we could change this or that — but the God of the universe created us in his image. He is pleased with us. He says we are very good. With or without a perfect winged eyeliner or contour, He is pleased.
I want to encourage young girls watching hours of YouTube makeup tutorials to remember that. Life is more than pretty faces and perfect makeup. You can’t play in the rain, laugh till you cry or eat food that gets all over your face with all that makeup on. Don’t miss moments because you want to look good for Instagram or simply because you don’t feel confident.
And I challenge girls to not wear makeup, even if it’s just for one day. To be totally comfortable in their own skin. To love who they are, both inside and out (cheesy, I know, but true).
The confidence I have received from not hiding behind a mask of classic ivory Cover Girl foundation and jet black Lash Blast is unmatched.
You will be surprised as to what happens. And I guarantee, you won’t be sorry.