Writing... Very Slowly Writing | The Odyssey Online
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Writing... Very Slowly Writing

More about me writing for Camp NaNoWriMo

Writing... Very Slowly Writing
Minnesota Prairie Roots - Audrey Kletscher Helbling

Writing... writing... writing... Very slowly writing. It is hard to realize just how many words 1613 per day is. I changed my goal to 50,000 words in total and this is my new requirement for a daily word count. It is kicking my butt. It is so hard to write that many words in one day.

As we have all experienced whether it was while writing a paper for a class or writing a story ourselves, writer's block is a real thing. And it is really annoying when you are on a timeline. Like how am I supposed to get the number of words I need when I keep getting writer's block.

Every time I do get blocked I find myself just browsing the internet, which is also dangerous because then I just don't write for a while. Earlier I got sidetracked and started looking at subscription boxes you can order. I might need to make a list of some of the cool ones I saw at some point because it was neat. I also will now get loose leaf tea delivered to my mailbox so that is exciting. What that did not get me was more words. Especially since my first box of tea will not be delivered until after Camp NaNoWriMo is over.

This is hard. I would recommend it but I cannot in good faith do that while I am stressing about it. I probably will recommend it when it is all over though. It is just a bit of stress but from what I hear it is really rewarding to complete it.

This is a little bit more disjointed because I am so used to writing from my character's perspective. It is really hard to switch between writing a book from a character's perspective to writing an Odyssey article about myself.

I will go continue writing the book now. Wish me good luck on this madness. I would give you a progress report for the word count but by the time the article is published it will be very different.

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