Individually, our lives may seem to be moving fast. With all the bills to pay, errands to run, work to do, you may feel that there’s no time to breathe. Well, the rest of the world is moving just as fast, and that means that there are a lot of things happening right now. As you make your way through this article, you’ll be reading in real time about stuff that has happened since you read the first word. You’ll be able to read how fast things happen in the world, and it may surprise you. Better get going, you’re 15 seconds in already!
17 seconds- Americans have eaten 9350 hot dogs.
20 seconds- 8 jars of Nutella have been sold.
23 seconds- 1,725 McDonald’s Hamburgers have been sold.
27 seconds- 1,107,000 Facebook posts have been made.
31 seconds- 53,729 snapchats have been sent.
34 seconds- 2,040 Instagram pictures have been posted.
38 seconds- Amazon has sold $53,200 worth of product.
42 seconds- Americans have consumed 63,000 water bottles
46 seconds- Americans have thrown away 728,465 pounds of trash.
51 seconds- 47,379 barrels of oil have been used.
55 seconds- Americans have consumed 660,000 plastic bags.
59 seconds- 118 babies have been born into poverty.
62 seconds- 111 people have died.
65 seconds- 273 people have been born.
68 seconds- About 6,800 lightning strikes have hit the ground.
72 seconds- You have blinked approximately 14 times.
75 seconds- Bill Gates has made about $18,750.
78 seconds- You have read this entire list.