Are you a college student currently working your butt off this summer to maybe save up for a big spring break or for student loans? Because I feel ya! Between working two jobs and spending the majority of my day wondering how I'm going to survive the next few weeks, I know how tough it can be! But it is totally worth every mental breakdown, morning traffic jam, and penny earned.
1. That 5:30 alarm rolls around way too soon.
Whether you go to bed at 10 P.M. or 1 A.M., it still feels as if you only got two hours of sleep. As soon as my alarm goes off, I want to chuck my phone at the wall because my body is physically and emotionally exhausted. I roll myself out of bed still half asleep and pray I don't fall over.
2. The question isn't if you want coffee, it's the matter of how much...
Blood type? Coffee.
Every morning, I decide if I want Dunkin, Wawa, or Starbucks. I like to keep it interesting. I change up my coffee order every day so I have something to look forward to at an attempt to spice up my boring life.
One coffee is never enough. Another one is always needed on a way to my second job. 14-hour days aren't easy, but they are worth it.
3. Solo car concerts on the morning commute.
The highlight of my day is singing at the top of my lungs on my hour drive to work every morning. Once the caffeine kicks in and the sun is shining, I know it's going to be a great day. I put on my favorite playlist and jam out.
4. Self-motivation is key.
The first few hours are all about pep talk! You show up to work and have to get in the groove. Prepare yourself that today is going to be long and drag on, but you got this!
5. The last hour of work that seems like four...
We ALL know that feeling of watching the clock and swearing it hasn't moved anywhere in the last 15 minutes.
6. When it's finally that time...
Leaving work like, "Oh, that wasn't bad at all! It went by so quick! See you guys tomorrow!"
7. Trying to make time for other things in life is a struggle.
Going right from work to the gym takes so much self-discipline, but you always feel like a total badass knowing you showed up and put in the work.
8. Walking in the door with Bae waiting for you...
The best way to calm down after a long hard day...