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25 Words That Taylor Swift’s Songs Taught Me

T Swizzle is a great lyricist, which is how she fits these vocab words into her songs.

Taylor Swift album full of vocabulary that is interesting to learn
Photo by Rosa Rafael on Unsplash

I've been listening to Taylor Swift for as long as I can remember. Her songs have taught me above love, life, change, fear, and basically everything else.

What I didn't expect them to teach me were words. She's a great writer, which means she doesn't use just any old word to describe her feelings. She uses words that a lot of people wouldn't know the meaning of right away or without context. As you read through this list of words, keep in mind that I was pretty young when I first heard these songs, so my vocabulary was still limited. (In case you think I was stupid for not knowing what a word meant.)

If you don't recognize some of these words, then congratulations, you're going to learn something new today!

1. Tendency

definition of tendency

Callie Spencer

"Just a boy in a Chevy truck who had a tendency of getting stuck on backroads at night." -Tim McGraw

2. Fearless

person jumps fearlessly on the beachPhoto by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

"I don't know how it gets better than this. You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless. And I don't know why, but with you, I'd dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless." -Fearless

I knew what this word meant, but Taylor Swift taught me an entirely different definition.

"To me, 'Fearless' is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death...That's why I write these songs. Because I think love is fearless."

3. Outskirts

illustration of outskirts of town

https://pixabay.com/en/d..., Callie Spencer

"I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around. My faith in you was fading, when I met you on the outskirts of town." -Love Story

4. Self-indulgent

gel candle and comfy pillow in corner of room by windowPhoto by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

"Before you, I only dated self-indulgent takers who took all of their problems out on me." -Stay Stay Stay

ADJ Characterized by doing or tending to do exactly what one wants, especially when this involves pleasure or idleness.

5. Naïve

toddler sitting on bed with teddy bearPhoto by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

"Maybe I was naïve. Got lost in your eyes. I never really had a chance." -White Horse

ADJ. Showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.

6. Absentmindedly

frustrated man absent-minded by the windowPhoto by taylor on Unsplash

"But you're just so cool. Run your hands through your hair. Absentmindedly making me want you."

ADJ So lost in thought that one does not realize what one is doing or what is happening.

7. Sensible

definition of sensible

Callie Spencer

"He is sensible and so incredible, and all my single friends are jealous." -The Way I Loved You

8. Cynic

cynic meaning

"And the cynics were outraged, screaming, 'This is absurd!' 'cause for a moment a band of thieves in ripped up jeans got to rule the world." -Long Live

NOUN A person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons.

9. Endearing

endearing definition

Callie Spencer

"He's charming and endearing and I'm comfortable." -The Way I Loved You

10. Speculate

person holding camera lens with focusPhoto by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

"It's not theirs to speculate if it's wrong." -Ours

VERB Form a theory or opinion about a subject without firm evidence.

11. Raided

four helicopters in a raid over mountainside at daytimePhoto by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash

"We've been outnumbered, raided, and now cornered. It's hard to fight when the fight ain't fair." -Change

NOUN Suddenly attacked by an enemy.

12. Disposition

woman with red hair and impeccable characterPhoto by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

"Your sweet disposition, and my wide-eyed gaze." -All Too Well

NOUN A person's inherent qualities of mind and character.

13. Flight Risk

flight risk definition

https://www.pexels.com/p..., Callie Spencer

"I was a flight risk with a fear of falling. Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts." -Mine

In Taylor Swift's case, being a flight risk means she's prone to leave the relationship when things get tough.

14. Captivated

man in black jacket captivated by sparkPhoto by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

"I'm captivated by you, baby, like a fireworks show." -Sparks Fly

VERB To attract and hold the attention or interest of.

15. Humiliation

statue looks down in humiliationPhoto by Stanisław Krawczyk on Unsplash

"You with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliation." -Mean

NOUN The act of causing in a person a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity.

16. Vacancy

a red neon sign that reads vacancyPhoto by CARTER SAUNDERS on Unsplash

"Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes, and vacancy vanished when I saw your face." -Enchanted

17. Silhouette

silhouette definition

https://www.pexels.com/p..., Callie Spencer

"Across the room, your silhouette starts to make its way to me." -Enchanted

18. Sabotage

woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her facePhoto by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

"She took him faster than you could say 'sabotage.'" -Better Than Revenge

VERB Deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct something or someone, especially for personal advantage.

19. Condescending

condescending woman crosses arms in barPhoto by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

"Every smile you fake is so condescending, counting all the scars you've made." -Cold As You

ADJ. Having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority.

20. Sophistication

sophisticated woman wearing gray jacket with blonde hairPhoto by Valerie Elash on Unsplash

"But sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know, or pushing people down to get you where you want to go." -Better Than Revenge

NOUN A great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture.

21. Deceiving

deceiving definition

Callie Spencer

"Hey Stephen, I know looks can be deceiving, but I know I saw a light in you." -Hey Stephen

22. Dignity

dignity written in stonePhoto by Dave Lowe on Unsplash

"They didn't teach you that in prep school, so it's up to me. That no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity." -Better Than Revenge

NOUN The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

23. Intoxicating

intoxicating definition

https://pixabay.com/en/red-wine-glass-drink-wine-glass-1004255/, Callie Spencer

"You were wild and crazy. Just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated. Got away by some mistake." -The Way I Loved You

24. Irrational

woman standing in brown field while looking sidewaysPhoto by Burst on Unsplash

"Tall, dark, and beautiful. He's complicated. He's irrational." -Superman

ADJ Not logical or reasonable

25. Nonchalant

man standing unexcited behind waterPhoto by Federico Burgalassi on Unsplash

"And now that I can't put this down, if I had known what I know now, I never would've played so nonchalant."

ADJ Coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited.

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