5. For being a role model | The Odyssey Online
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Honoring Your Best Friend's Mom: 5 Ways to Say Thanks

Appreciate your bonus Mom

Animated image of a woman in a super woman outfit flying
Having a best friend comes with having a second mom, one that takes care of you when you're away from home.
They do so much.
  • Hosting all the sleepovers
  • For accepting me into your family
  • For always being supportive
  • For being my Mom away from home
  • For being a role model
But how many times have you thanked them for it? Below are 5 reasons to thank your bonus Mom.

1. Hosting all the sleepovers

Animated image of young girls all on a bed together at a sleep over party

sleep over party


I know the last way you wanted to spend your Friday night was taking us to the movies, and then losing sleep because of One Direction blaring and our obnoxious laughter late at night. But you did it without question and I admire you for that.

2. For accepting me into your family

Animated image of a family

diverse family


You always make me feel welcome in your home, and I feel as comfortable with your family as I do with mine (even though that's not always a good thing).

3. For always being supportive

Drawing of a building with support beams

supportive structure


You listen to my problems and comfort me when I need it, and you've given me advice that I'll always hold on to. You're such a wise woman, and I'm so thankful for that.

4. For being my Mom away from home

Animated image of a Mom and Daughter portrait image

Best Friends Mom


Thank you for always offering to let me stay as long as I need to, for always asking about school and family and boys and especially for actually listening and caring when I tell you. I trust you as much as I trust your daughter, and it's a special bond that I appreciate more than you'll ever know.

5. For being a role model

Animated image of a super woman in a super hero outfit

super hero Mom


Without you, your daughter and I wouldn't be the young women we are today. You always know exactly what to do and say, and it baffles me how you understand us so easily. I have immense respect for you, and I hope you know that you're never taken for granted.

So, thank you. Thank you for raising not one, but two daughters, for helping us grow and being there every step of the way. Thank you for being part of my support system, and loving me like a daughter of your own

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