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Student Life

You Broke? Here Are 7 Ways You Can Fill Those Empty Pockets Over Winter Break

Trust me, I feel the moths flying from my wallet too.

You Broke? Here Are 7 Ways You Can Fill Those Empty Pockets Over Winter Break

Happy Winter Break, everyone! Right around this time, college students are settling into a well-deserved break after a grueling semester and at least one week of finals. We're finally able to decompress and sniff the fresh air just a little bit before descending into a month-long Netflix and takeout session.

That is, until the cash runs out, we realize that rent's due soon, and the panic sets in. With most college students home for the holidays, it's hard to figure out how to make ends meet when there's only a month to do it.

Well, look no further than this list. I've compiled seven ways to make a little extra cash in this winter month we college students have been blessed with. I won't even charge you, either.

1. Sell back textbooks


Remember that Intro to Chemistry book that your professor swore you'd read front to back? Yeah, the one that's now on your bookshelf, slightly dusty? Take it, and make some money off of it. Sell it either back to the bookstore or online, like on Amazon.

Pros: When the heck are you going to use those again? Right, the day after never. Mind as well make some money selling them to other students who may or may not use it.

Cons: Your textbook may or may not be resale material. Some professors update their course packets and use different editions, making your contribution less valuable to them. Even if you do sell the textbook, it's most likely going to be for less money than what you paid for it, so prepare for disappointment on that front.

2. Go back to your old high school job


For those folks who went home for the winter break and worked somewhere during their glorious high school years, you can see if your old boss will let you pick up a couple hours here and there.

Pros: You already know all the ins and outs of your old job. Plus, you get to hang out with cool old coworkers as an added bonus.

Cons: If you did the whole "Bye, you worthless humans, you'll see me when I'm famous!" thing when leaving your high school job, playing nice now when you need money probably won't work, unfortunately.

3. Offer to wrap presents . . . for a price


Hey, people are busy. There isn't always time to wrap holiday presents when life gets in the way. That's where you come in, with your newfound abundance of time and your wrapping skills (look sometime up on YouTube, if needed).

Pros: Let your artistic flag fly with glitter, fancy tags, and a poop-ton of ribbon. Additionally, you can get your choice of wrapping supplies for real cheap at places like Wal-Mart or Dollar Tree.

Cons: Wrapping can be semi-difficult with oddly-shaped gifts. Also, you may be foiled by gift bags.

4. Get a seasonal gig


Get hired at any assorted major retailer and work any number of hours from Black Friday to January 2nd. Sure, you may have to wear a lot of green, but you'll get a lot of green in return.

Pros: This is a guaranteed job for right around two months. You'll get tons of hours and there's no expectation to work once school starts back up.

Cons: This job basically requires you to work on all major holidays, or as long as the store is one on said holiday. So, family/friend time can be seriously dampened.

5. Have a virtual garage sale


The new year is a great time to go through your nonsense and figure out what you actually used and what is just clogging up your living space. Since it's not the best season to hold an actual yard sale, sell your goody's online on eBay or another online retailer.

Pros: You get a little extra cash for your clean(er). What's not to love?

Cons: Like every garage sale, you might not actually sell everything or get the complete bang for your anticipated buck.

6. Babysitting


Babysitting is a pretty standard job any time of year, but especially now, with parents attending holiday parties, running out to buy gifts and the holiday feast, and doing other parent-ly things. You're the saving grace that they need.

Pros: If you're a good noodle, the kids will like you, and, more importantly, the parents will ask for your child-watching services again.

Cons: Baby humans. Just baby humans.

7. Snow patrol


If you're an able-bodied human, you can lift a shovel and sprinkle salt on driveways. Easy peesey, lemon squeezy.

Pros: Everyone needs their driveway cleared if it snows, so you'll be rolling in dough and snowballs. Also, it's a wonderful way to get in your daily cardio.

Cons: It's time-consuming, it's cold, and frankly, it's not dependable in areas having an unseasonably warm winter.

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