I’m not against tattoos in any way, I actually think most of them are really cool. However, I just don’t desire to ever have one on my body. As soon as I started high school, everyone would ask, ‘When are you getting a tattoo?” rather than if I would ever get one. It seemed like an expected rite of passage into adult hood that everyone did or eventually would do.
Too indecisive.
Personally I’m the type of person who dabbles in a little of everything. I’ll like one thing, but also something on the opposite end of the interest spectrum. I’d want to get angel wings on my back, but maybe a couple months later I’d want to replace it with a scenic image of a meadow. I like to switch up my style all the time, so I’d like all of my tattoos to be somewhat similar to each other in style or meaning, and as rapid as my style interest change I just wouldn’t be able to keep up.
Two is one too many.
Like I said, my style is constantly changing, and I’d want all my tattoos to be consistent with one another, so I don’t want too many different types of tattoos all over my body. I’d also just never want more than one on my body. If I would get one I’d want something that I’d never grow dull of seeing, and never want to change. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen plenty of people with beautiful sleeves and full body tattoos. It’s just not the look I want on my own body.
I’m not going to want them when I’m older.
I definitely disagree with the ones who say that tattoo bearers will regret them when they’re older. A majority of older people with tattoos look just as good, or even better with them. It’s just with me, I want something one moment and then on to the next thing later. Most things don’t stick with me very long. Knowing myself in the long run, I wouldn’t regret so much getting the tattoo more so getting a tattoo knowing it’s forever. Even though there is tattoo removal, I wouldn’t want to go through the trouble and money of getting a tattoo, just to later spend more money and time to get it removed.
I’m more into henna or temporary tattoos.
So if ever I was to get a tattoo it have to be a temporary one, or just henna. I think it’s beautiful and, just as important, temporary. I love the luxury of it fading and then the next time I want one I can just get it without having too much of my body covered in them. Well, at least, unless I want to be covered. I also love temporary tattoos because it brings about the nostalgia of my child hood. It makes you feel like a kid again getting your favorite super heroes or a race car plastered across your biceps or wherever.
So once again, tattoos are definitely amazing. I love seeing people proudly displaying their body art, and the beauty of it all. For me, it’s not my thing for my body, and that’s okay to. We all have own ways of expressing or maybe not expressing ourselves.