Why We Should Appreciate Music
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Why We Should Appreciate Music

Music is more than just background noise.

Why We Should Appreciate Music

You realize that you have to run to your local grocery store for the third time this week because you forgot something you needed to get the time before…and the time before that. On the drive there, you find yourself listening to the obnoxious top pop hits (for those of you unlucky ones who don’t own an auxiliary chord), but yet you still know all the words and even catch yourself singing along. You then are in the grocery store contemplating if you are going to buy the copious amount of junk food you want to go along with what you actually came to the store for, and you hear a variation of boy band songs or some other song your mom used to torture you with as a child. Music is everywhere, regardless if you really want it there or not.

For most of us, music is more than filled silences that radio stations and companies have created to make Americans not hate their daily routine as much. Music is what gets us through the day, and really is a representation of who we are. It also can shape based on current life experiences. Though music is such a big personal aspect to our lives, we nearly don’t give it enough credit and appreciation for what it does for us. If I had to thank any specific force in my life that wasn’t my parents, school and other close relationships for my accomplishments, happiness, and overall wellbeing, I would thank the concept of music. Music has been a huge driving force in my life, and these are ways I think music should be appreciated more.

It’s motivating when motivation is needed most. Music can be used for simple motivation to get us through not-so-fun tasks, such as the early morning run or doing household chores, but a lot of us also rely on music for comfort and motivation during important and stressful events. You are about to take a test that can determine the rest of your career path, or a really important job interview, and what is keeping you sane is some of your favorite songs that make you feel invincible. There is something about certain songs that just plain make us feel good regardless of what is happening in reality.

It makes us feel understood and comforted during hard times. We all have had those events in our lives that make us feel like the world is going against us, and that no one could possibly understand our specific situation. We then hear lyrics that accurately describe our feelings, almost word for word. We then begin to feel not so isolated and feel that even though that artist doesn’t specifically know us by name, or our situation, that they understand us; like generally, maybe our situation isn’t as abnormal as it feels. Even if a song doesn’t necessarily speak to us, sometimes hearing singing and pleasant melodies can be calming and distracting from unwanted thoughts and gets on the path to feeling better.

It creates memories and bonds with other people. Many of us in our young adults years can think of numerous occasions that we and our friends just couldn’t get enough a certain song while at a bar or a party, and every time we hear that song, we tend to think of those memories. When we have a friend that has very similar music taste to us, we usually spend more time with them and tend to, in general, feel closer to them. Having music as a common interest with a person you are dating is important to some individuals -- me being one of those people. Some people, more than others, find music to be a great way to get closer to people.

It helps us understand other’s perspectives and the world around us. Music is culture. Even songs that we find to be lacking in meaning and actual substance still say a lot about the artist and about our culture (this can be positive and negative). One of my favorite parts about enjoying multiple genres of music is that I get a look into how certain artists view the world by how they interpret it in their music. I find music to be a great way for people to voice opinions and talk about things happening around them, either for just plain awareness of an issue, or hoping for social change. As a listener, I think I greatly benefit from pieces of music that try to achieve those goals because it helps me be less narrow-minded and ignorant to what might be going on around me, and also helps me understand other people’s overall emotions and ideas by listening to a very vulnerable form of art.

It makes us more interesting and attractive. This reason might seem a bit shallow, but our interest and hobbies in music can make us look more appealing to others. Having interests and passions generally does this for us, but music, I think, is especially special because of the numerous components that go along with it. If we enjoy music, we can have numerous conversations with people about our opinions of genres, artists, and particular songs, but also about the significance and meaning it has which can help us with intimacy and bring to more conversations with others. Some music lovers also attend concerts, which are fun and interesting which therefore makes the people attend them seem fun and interesting, usually translating into being attractive to some people. Plus, there is just something super cute if a guy or a girl sings along to a song they really enjoy when they are spending time with you.

It can alter our moods. Most of us can think of many occasions where we had a fairly neutral mood and then we hear a song either that we have personally played or we heard while driving home or when we are spending time with friends, and it completely changed our mood to either super happy and excited, or just downright depressed all within a minute time span, which I now use to my advantage.

Music is more than just part of our lives; it truly can improve and give more purpose in ways we might directly notice, and also in ways that might go unnoticed and unappreciated. Music, although not silent, can be a silent background contributor to what makes life, life. So hopefully, when you are making the next playlist or going to the grocery store once again, you can appreciate what music means to you.

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