Why The Flash Is The Best Hero There Is
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Why The Flash Is The Best Hero There Is

The fastest man alive is a fan-favorite. Why so?

Why The Flash Is The Best Hero There Is

The Flash is someone everyone should know. Most people don't know why he is known as The Flash. They just know he is incredibly fast and wears an iconic red suit. Let me tell you why the Scarlet Speedster deserves more recognition (and is the best hero of all time).

1. There is more than one Flash.

There are four main versions of our beloved speedster. You have Jay Garrick, the original Flash of the Golden era of DC comics; Barry Allen, the second speedster that stems through the Silver era who still runs through today; Wally West, the third and fastest Flash of all; and Bart Allen, who is the grandson of Barry. They are linked to each other. There was a reason why the Speed Force chose them.

2. He's faster than the speed of light.

When he runs past, all that the naked eye can see is a flash of red. He is so fast, he can literally outrun Superman. If Superman and the Flash were to race, the Flash would zoom past him and end up in the Speed Force.

3. He lives by a strict set of morals.

No matter how much The Flash despises his enemies, he has never killed anyone. It was not until Professor Zoom tried to kill his fiancee that Barry snapped. Barry killed Zoom, but Zoom is the only person he has ever murdered.

4. Time slows down for him!

Being incredibly fast means breaking through time itself. Once he breaks the concept of time, he enters the Speed Force. The Flash can time travel to any point he wants to, as long as his speed follows through.

5. Super strength? Nope, try the Infinite Mass Punch.

The Infinite Mass Punch is literally powered by all the momentum that the Flash runs with. The amount of force that you'll be hit with will hurt. It is a super powerful move, so don't be surprised if you end up unconscious.

6. He has the nicest rivals.

The Rogues have their own moral code. They stand by the morality of never killing anyone. Even with their new meta-humanistic powers, they still engage in robberies to make an "honest" living. They even abandoned the term "supervillains" to describe themselves.

7. Iris West.

The love of Barry's life. She is his happiness and an important part of The Flash. Every time Barry thinks of any motivation to keep going, he thinks of her. In the TV show, The Flash, Barry and Iris' relationship is explored more, so viewers can understand how important she is to him.

8. His only known weakness is his massive heart.

The Flash would put himself in harm's way to protect those who he cares about. He constantly protects humanity, his friends, and his colleagues. His caring persona shows through his battles.

9. Risked his whole entire life to save the DC universe.

The Anti-Monitor came up with a vicious plan by using anti-matter to destroy the multiverse that our favorite heroes reside in. In order to save the multiverse, Barry sacrifices himself to protect billions of lives in "Crisis on Infinite Earths." He ran to contain the energy that eventually led to his death. Later on, it was revealed that Barry actually merged with the Speed Force. Still, it is arguably one of the most heroic acts that anybody has done in the DC Universe.

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