Why Switzerland Will Always Hold My Heart | The Odyssey Online
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Why Switzerland Will Always Hold My Heart

See What Switzerland is All About!

Why Switzerland Will Always Hold My Heart

In 2015, I was fortunate enough to study abroad in Italy. During my time in Italy, I was also fortunate enough to explore Interlaken, Switzerland and Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland. Out of all of the countries I’ve been able to visit while traveling throughout Europe, here are some reasons behind why I loved Switzerland the most:

  1. The Alps

When our tour bus first arrived in Interlaken, Switzerland, it was late, as in early morning hours. Thus, it was hard to see anything around us. Once my tour group and I woke up after sleeping for a few hours, we looked out of the window to a spectacular sight-- mountains! Very giant mountains, that is!

The Swiss Alps are enormous-- most ranging anywhere from 10,000-20,000 feet high. In comparison to the Alps, humans look like ants! Since the Alps are huge in size, it becomes hard to tell if you are staring at the same mountain you saw earlier or if it’s a mountain you’ve never seen before.

If you want, there is also an option in Interlaken, Switzerland to go para-gliding through the Alps. Para-gliding is when you’re attached to a person and hammock-like sail. You wake up early in the morning; take a bus to the top of an Alp, an run off the Alp while the sail will pick up wind and will ease your way down, gliding through the land.

2. The Hot Chocolate

For those of you who instantly thought of Swiss Miss, no-- Switzerland’s hot chocolate does not taste like Swiss Miss. Think of Swiss Miss minus the chemicals. Everything in Switzerland is natural-- no GMO’s, preservatives, chemicals, or anything man-made. The hot chocolate in Switzerland is very rich, in the middle between thick and watery, not too sweet, and just the right mixture of warmth to give all the soothing qualities to your soul.

3. The Water

At the hostel I stayed at in Interlaken, Switzerland, Balmers Hostel, I learned that Switzerland has the freshest and purest Spring Water on Earth. The freshest and purest spring water was advertised right outside of my hostel on a water pump. The spring water is stored, naturally, underground in a well. I didn’t resist. I needed to fill-up my water bottle, anyway.

When my water bottle was filled, I didn’t hesitate. I took a swig and let me tell you: It was the best water I’ve ever tasted. In fact, it was so great, I can’t even describe it! You’ll just have to take my word for it. Just kidding. I can try my best to describe it to you. It tasted pure-- nothing bothered with it from over the years. It tasted Earthy. It tasted real. It tasted like a liquidized, non-polluted cloud (as in no cloud that produced acid rain). It tasted like the freshest mist condensed on a fine spring day. It tasted like Heaven. It was pure and it was real. Drink some.

4. The Atmosphere

With how clean the water is in Switzerland, it shouldn’t come to be a surprise that the atmosphere there is just as clean. When our bus first arrived to Switzerland and I got out of the bus, I instantly noticed the difference in air quality compared to that of Rome, Italy. It was fresh and crisp, with a hint of pine tree in the air.

Everywhere I walked in Switzerland, I did not smell cigarette smoke; I did not smell exhaust coming from any vehicle… There were no pollution stacks in sight. If anything I smelled other than the crisp, pure air, I occasionally smelled fresh food when walking by restaurants and cute cafe’s. It’s truly wonderland.

5. The Animals

When I took a train to Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, I saw a lot of cows grazing on the Alps and the grass. In America, you really don’t see cows roaming freely everywhere you go. If anything, most of the animals in America are locked up in cages.

But the Swiss think differently. The Swiss actually care about their animals and their well-beings. If a cow is hurt, a Swiss person will signal in a helicopter man to come and rescue the cow from up above. A person will bring down a bucket and rope and will attach the cow to the helicopter and will fly the cow into a local veterinarian.

The Swiss are also sure they feed their animals the finest quality food-- even though all the food in Switzerland is natural, anyway. Since the cows eat healthy; are taken care of; and live freely, they live a stress-free life. And with the scenery and perfect quality care Switzerland has, I don’t blame them at all for living stress-free.

6. The People

What I’ve noticed when I went to Switzerland is that the people there are very laid-back. They tend to take their time with everything they do-- food, work, school-- there is no rush at all. If you’re a little late, that’s okay. The Swiss love to live in the moment and appreciate life and the present just as it is. If you need a helping hand out along the way, they can give that to you. They are very friendly, even though most of them are perceived as quiet and reserved people.

7. The Land

I believe that most of the Swiss are reserved because the Alps seclude them into their environment. Switzerland is definitely not the place for the claustrophobic. The Alps are giant and everywhere you walk, you will find yourself secluded within the 10,000-20,000 foot Alps. The land around you is very vast with bright, green grass. A lot of the houses are built up and along the Alps. Sometimes, you will catch a waterfall or two coming off one of the Alps.

There are also a lot of caves; hiking trails; roaming animals like cows; glacier water that glides gently throughout the Alps and the land; paragliders descending the Alps; cute country homes and cafes; and an over-all, breath-taking landscape.

There may be 7 reasons why I love Switzerland, but honestly, my heart cannot explain everything. Just like how a picture does not do a place justice, the knowledge that I have of Switzerland will not do justice to the reader. Sometimes, the most beautiful places in life are more than words. And somehow, if you can’t properly express your love, visiting that special someone or something in life will. And once you return, your love will be released into the land and beyond until your memory will become just become a whisper through the wind.

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