Why You Should Respect Exec | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Respect Exec

What Being On Exec Really Means.

Why You Should Respect Exec

While they may look like the ones who want to bust you, sorority executive boards or leadership teams have more on their plate than you realize. With all the glitz and glamor of leadership opportunities, resume builders and being a role model comes loads of responsibility and work to make a chapter run smoothly. They make the schedules, deal with higher corporations, and make sure that the chapter keeps up their reputation. Here is a glimpse into life on an executive board.

1. They attend extra meetings to make your chapter look awesome!

Between national consultant visits, Greek affairs trips, tons of exec swaps and weekly meetings with their own team of advisers, exec teams work around the clock to make sure you as a member get the best of the best! They attend extra meetings so you don’t have too! Thank heavens!

2. They do all your scheduling for you.

Formals, date parties, sisterhood events and other philanthropies are all on the master schedule so you can be informed. Oh, and if you happen to forget a date, chances are they will remind you multiple times.

3. They are the liaison to get you what you want!

New chef? New furniture? A printer that actually works? Talk to your exec and they can be the path to getting those luxuries! They work with housing corporations and your house mom to make sure you have a nice and cozy place to live.

4. They have the leadership skills and voice of reason to solve your issue.

So your roommate stole your favorite sweater, and now you two are in a death match. Any member of exec can be a rational voice of reason. They help you work through your problems as a third party. They have been trained to be fair and care about the sisterhood. Don’t be afraid to use them as a resource before your friendship is ruined forever!

5. They are under a lot of pressure to improve the chapter.

Mishaps happen. Mistakes are made. But when a chapter member does a dumb thing, the exec board has to fix it. They get countless emails, phone calls and texts about the dumb thing and know how to fix it. They also take the heat and are the faces of the chapter and, yet, still make it look like the best one to be a part of.

Thank you, exec and leadership teams, for putting up with things normal people don’t want to do.

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