Why Politics Should Matter To My Generation
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Why Politics Should Matter To My Generation

Why Politics Should Matter To My Generation
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I wrote the following article for my school newspaper after becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of concern for our country that I have seen among teenagers and young adults throughout my four semesters as a college student. The blatant disinterest in politics and current events is something I have noticed becoming rampant among my generation. I strongly believe this is a problem because my young generation is the future of The United States of America. While I am aware that it is unnecessary for all college students to possess a burning desire to become a politician, I do feel that it is crucial for young adults to at least be educated on what is happening at all levels of government.

I received positive feedback from my editors regarding this article, so I wanted to share it with you all. Feel free to leave comments, as I would love to read and discuss them with you. I rarely, if ever, get tired of talking politics. I do realize that anything involving personal beliefs and political opinions can be a controversial subject, but I always make a point to listen to other people’s views and work to understand where they are coming from, so I ask that you do the same. The article is as follows:

“One of the most disheartening things I have experienced in college thus far is hearing fellow students and even friends say “I don’t keep up with politics, they’re so boring,” or “I don’t even know who the presidential candidates are.” In a generation full of intellectual, imaginative individuals with so much potential, it is a shame to see such ignorance and lack of thought. The main problem with my generation today is that we would rather talk about the Kardashians than about ISIS beheading Christians in the middle-east while threatening Americans on a very personal basis, or the fact that the country’s national debt has risen over eight trillion dollars under the Obama Administration.

Contrary to what many people think, politics do matter to each and every one of us, no matter how old we are. Whether it be our school systems, the economy, or even our free will and individual rights, politics undoubtedly affect us on a daily basis.

It is crucial to know what is happening in the world around us and who is fighting for what, because without politics and politicians, we would remain stagnant. No changes would ever be implemented, and problems would never be solved. Think about what would happen to our nation in the future if we failed to keep up with the ever-changing American society.

For example, Homeland Security occurred as a result of politicians working to ensure our country’s future safety after the events of 9/11. After a tragedy that left the United States of America in a state of shock, congress immediately moved into action and established the Department of Homeland Security just eleven days later.

Without politics and the politicians who represent us as citizens, no laws would have ever been passed making certain acts criminal. Imagine if murder, rape, theft, and arson were legal, everyday actions that occurred without punishment. Politics prevent chaos in our great nation by providing us the opportunity to help create and enact laws and understand what our government is requiring of us.

One of the most important aspects of politics that people need to understand is that the word politics is not synonymous with the word government. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word politics as “activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping power in a government.” Politics are what the government uses to understand issues affecting a body of people and also to find solutions to these issues. Political topics include the economy, international relations, education, healthcare, equal rights, transportation, criminal justice, social service, and everything else that impacts people and the lives they live. The results that come from debating politics can affect less trivial aspects of our lives such as gas prices, or they can affect huge, potentially detrimental topics like entering wars with foreign nations.

If young adults spent a little less time playing video games and doing drugs, and a little more time knowing where they stand on the political spectrum, perhaps we would have a nation full of educated voters who better understand the issues which affect our lives in every way possible instead of an epidemic of cyber-bullying and a slew of students supporting Bernie Sanders just because he keeps shouting “free college.” My advice is simple: Take initiative and educate yourself. Watch the debates, read the newspaper, and for crying out loud, stop worrying about the Kardashians.”

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