Why The Government Shutdown Needs To End
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Politics and Activism

Why the Government Shutdown Needs to End

A perspective on the effects of the shutdown on government and federal workers, and how companies are helping them.

Calculator, Pen, Numbers, Bills

DAY 4:

"Hi, this is Janice from Enron phone company, I am in charge of making sure that our clients are up to date on their phone bills. Jennifer, how are you today?"

"I'm doing good Janice, I have just been hanging out with my kids this week; I don't have much time to spend with them when I'm at Homeland Security. I love that job, but boy does it keep me busy"

"I'm glad to hear that you're doing ok Jennifer! Now, are you able to pay all of your bills on time this month?"

"Yes Janice, I should definitely be able to, I've been saving for the past couple of weeks in case this has happened. And I even paid some of my bills ahead of time"

"That's great Jennifer! Thanks for the update, and I'll call you in about a week and a half"

"Bye Janice!"

She then hung up the phone and sighed with relief.

"Hi, this is Mark"

"Hi Mark, this is Janice from Enron phone company, I am just calling to make sure that our clients like you are up to date on their phone bills"

"Hi Janice, yes, I've been able to save up for about a week of not working, so I can pay my bills"

"That's great to hear Mark! However, do you have a plan if the shutdown lasts longer?"

"If it lasts longer, I'll cut back on spending, and maybe get a part-time job. It'll be a good break from my job at the USDA"

"Ok cool, well glad to hear, and I'll catch up with you in about a week and a half"

"Ok sounds good, bye"

She hung up the phone again, and was a little worried for him; but the shutdown shouldn't last long anyway. The new Congress and the President will come to some conclusion about the wall.

"This is Mary"

"Hi Mary, this is Janice from Enron phone company, I am just calling to make sure that our clients like you are up to date on their phone bills"

"To be honest, I don't have anything saved at the moment, however, I am going to look into different loans in order to pay off your bills. Don't worry, I'll take care of them.

"Are you sure? I can recommend some loans for you if you would like?"

"No, don't worry. Plus, I'm already looking into part-time jobs.

"Ok, can I ask what your job is?"

"I work as a TSA agent"

"Ok, if you need anything, such as a loan reference, don't hesitate to call me"

"Ok will do, thank you"

She hung up the phone and continued making calls for the rest of the day. The new Congress and the President will come to some conclusion about the wall; they have to.

DAY 15:

Before calling again, she took a deep breath and prepared herself for a long day. She picked up the phone.

"Hi Jennifer, this is Janice from Enron phone company. How are you at the moment?"

"Hi Janice, I'm doing ok, I am still paying my bills and spending time with my kids. However, I'm worried that this shutdown is going to last longer, especially with Pelosi trying to leave and everything"

"Yeah, I understand. But also, when the President refuses to cooperate with Congress, what can she do.

"I see your point, but yeah don't worry about me. I'm just now spending less money, and also now having my kids take the school bus.

"Ok, I'm glad to hear you're still good and are not behind. I'll check on you in a week or two alright?"

"Ok, sounds good"

She stepped back from the phone again and sighed. "She is ok," she told herself, she didn't want to get into a fight about the shutdown.

"Hi Mark, this is Janice from Enron phone company, I wanted to check in and see how you are doing"

"Hi Janice, to be honest, I'm not doing that great. I've burned through the money I've saved, and am now working a part-time job. But since it doesn't pay enough to cover my mortgage or some of my credit card bills, I'm looking to find another one"

"I'm so sorry Mark to hear about that! Would it help if I could recommend some loans for you to take out?"
"I don't like loans, but if there is nothing else you guys can do at Enron, then I'll take it"

"Ok, I'll send you a list right away, and I'll be checking in in about one or two weeks"

"Ok, sounds good, bye"

She hung up the phone, and became worried, and empathized for him. She herself did not have a lot in her savings account either. She then brushed this aside.

"Hi Mary, this is-"

"This is Janice from Enron right?"

"Yes, how-"

"I'm not doing good at all. I have so many bills to pay, I've already taken out some loans for my mortgage and credit card bills. I'm not even sure how to pay off your bill at the moment"

"Mary, I-"

"Is there anything you can do? I already was working a part-time job, but then I got called back to work for TSA, but I'm not being paid. How can I work without being paid and survive?"

"Mary, let me talk to the company to see what I can do. Potentially I can help you cut a deal with us, and postpone your bill. I'll speak with my manager."

"Thank you, Janice, so much, I really-"
"Don't worry about it. Have you looked into selling some things of yours? Such as a car?"

"I sold that four days ago, and used that to pay some of the loans I took out, but it still is not enough. I don't know what to do Janice"

"It'll all be ok Mary. We'll have this sorted out"

"To be honest, I don't even know if I can keep your phone service"

Soon after the conversation ended, she walked around the office and looked out the window towards the capitol building. She hated the entire situation, but what could she do? What worried her, even more, was that the President said this could last for months, or even years. "How will they survive?" she whispered to herself over and over.

DAY 33:

When arriving at work today, she expected the worst and took a pause before picking up the phone again. However, just as she did, her supervisor pulled her to the side.

"Hi Janice, so because of the shutdown lasting this long, the company has decided to postpone the phone bills of federal workers. After the shutdown ends, then you can tell them that they should expect to pay their phone bill two weeks after"

"Yes, thank you, sir" she responded and walked felt more relaxed as she walked back to her seat.

"Hi, this is Janice from Enron phone company-"

"Yes, hi Janice, um I have enough savings to last me for the rest of next week, but after that, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I don't want to sell my car or some of my things, but if the shutdown continues any longer, I might have to"

"Well, the good news Jennifer is that since you are a federal worker, our company is postponing your phone bill until after the shutdown ends"

"Wow, thank you so much, Janice!"

"No problem! Have a great day, and don't worry, this shutdown should end soon"

"I hope so"

She hung up the phone and felt both relieved and happy to give out this information. She then picked up the phone again.

"Hi Mark, this is Janice-"

"Hi Janice, to be honest, I don't think I can pay my phone bill anytime soon. I was just called back into work again, but I am still not being paid. And I am already running low on the money I got from my loans"

"Mark, I actually have some good news. Since you are a federal worker, our company is postponing your phone bill until the government reopens"

"That's amazing! Thank you so much!"

"No problem, I'll be calling you in about 2 weeks to check in. Bye"

Janice felt sad for Mark but was glad to help him in this way.

"I'm sorry, this number is not in service"

"I'm sorry, this number is not in service"

Janice tried calling Mary, again and again, receiving the same message. Every time she called the number, she began to feel more and more on edge. After calling for the 7th time, she walked away from her desk, and outside for a break. As she stood outside, watching the snow fall peacefully, she saw the White House to her left, and the Capitol building to her right. The lights in both were on, but potentially Mary's were not; the anger inside of her tightened her chest.

"I'm tired of these games, they're not fun anymore," she thought to herself. "Sure, I got entertainment out of it before the shutdown, but I'm just so tired of it"

"We all are" she heard. She looked around but didn't see anyone else; she walked back inside and sat at her desk again. She picked up the phone.

Further Readings:

Banks, phone companies, nonprofits roll out help for federal workers amid government shutdown

Canceling autopay, skipping the doctor, selling a car: Federal workers share how they're making ends meet during the shutdown

The financial shock for 800,000 federal workers is about to get much worse as the shutdown drags on

USDA calls 9,700 workers back from furlough without regular pay amid shutdown

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