Why Everyone Should Couch Surf Atleast Once In Their Life
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Why Everyone Should Couch Surf Atleast Once In Their Life

22 chapter 7.

Why Everyone Should Couch Surf Atleast Once In Their Life
Charles R Joseph

It was day three and I had already had six mental breakdowns. I have anxiety anyways but this was certain to push my buttons. My clothes were packed in my car, and the rest of my belongings were in a storage building. I was caught four weeks to early before my new lease began, so I hit the road. I had a job and a variety of places to crash, so why not?

The epic couch surfing journey of 2016 began. I knew it would test my patience, after all I had gave up my privacy to sleep on friends futons or couches. Granted, I was comfortable sleeping. However, every where I went I had no choice but to respect house rules. Going from living alone to having temporary roomies challenged my norms. Suddenly I had to experience conformity.

Sure, not many people desire to sleep on couches to save a little money, but I knew it was my only option. It was either move back home or tough it out. The situation was not comfortable but damn did it teach me a lot about myself. I challenged the rules of being grounded. In working class America, it's prioritized to have a certain place to sleep at night. This time though, I knew in order to truly make it out on my own, I couldn't return home. I was eager to leave my college home so I could start a new chapter. Little did I know the few week amongst my journey could change my views for a lifetime.

If you want to test your patience try sleeping on a couch whenever everyone else is going to work on your day off. That right there could drive a person from a sloth like state to a raging bull. Not only did my sleep schedule suck, try budgeting weekly cookout trays. Horrible sleep, check; healthy life style: no bueno. You can grocery shop all you want that just doesn't protect the food you purchased in the refrigerator. Sooner or later money spent at trader joes become a thing of the past and two hotdogs start to sound ever better. More importantly, frugal, for a college student budget.

We live in a world that revolves around money, so becoming a cheapskate was only natural. You're damn right I'd fight you over a French fry, hell I had bills to pay. Put yourself in my shoes. It wasn't easy but I won't complain much longer. I was blessed with a beautiful sense of humor that exhilarated optimism and a touch of realism. It was a reality that I chose to face.

I decided to laugh about having clothes piled high in my Toyota Corolla. After all, I'm sure someone at a stop light felt sorry for me. Fortunately, I began to see the world around me, differently. It wasn't about the things we had but our attitude towards life. I could've gave up and went back to the mountains but what fun do you have if you give up?

I began to feel blessed. I knew someone else out there had it worse than me and life wasn't meant to be comfortable. Putting my self in strange shoes rather charted unknown life territory that soon colored a beautiful world around me. I had friends willing to help me make it. I had food to eat. A place to sleep. A shower and toothbrush for hygiene. Ultimately dreams bigger thn the sky above me.

My momma always told me I was a go getter. I knew if I wanted to start a new chapter in my life it also meant stepping outside of the norms to make it possible. Living somewhat differently then the world around you. I knew if I could couch surf for a month, I could feel and think ways I never knew possible. It was sacrificing one ending for a whole new beginning. Maybe even caught at a crossroads, patiently waiting when looking both ways. I was eager to say goodbye to my college home, because I knew the future was only a few inches away. Some will say I'm crazy, others will challenge the norm. I believe though, if you are questioning your dreams so much, you already know the answer to them.

Go ahead, pack your bags and get out of here. You never know, you may just learn more about yourself then you bargained for.

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