Summer is one of the best times to hang out with your friends and have fun. One of the best ways to do this is definitely a music festival, such as Warped Tour. For those who don't know what it is, Warped Tour is a touring rock festival that happens every year. The tour is sponsored by the popular brand Vans, and has an abundance of rock, punk and pop punk bands playing each year. I have been lucky enough to attend to Warped for the 5th time this year and it was so amazing. What's really cool about the tour is not only that you get to see a lot of bands for only $44, but also you can meet your favorite artists at their tents while walking around. This year, I saw around 12 bands in a matter of 9 hours and met one of my favorite artists. Even if you don't like this kind of music, I think it's an experience that everyone should go through at least once in their lives because it gets crazy. People crowd surf to music, help each other out if one of them falls, and it's just a place where music brings people together. If you go with a close friend, it makes it even better because you get to have fun, listen to music and enjoy the day.
Warped Tour has an arrangement that may be a bit confusing for those who never went. Although one might think that all the bands are playing in order, that is not the case. There are many stages at Warped Tour, where bands play at the same time and you get to basically choose who you want to see. For example, this year Reel Big Fish was playing at the same time as Mayday Parade, Knuckle Puck and Chelsea Grin and you could only see one of those bands.
When you walk in at Warped, you can see the line up of bands and when they're playing by either purchasing a paper for 2$ or looking at the huge billboard they put up:
So, why should I go to Warped Tour, you ask?
1. Crowdsurfing.
It's seriously one of the best things ever to experience because everything looks better from up above.
2. Meeting your favorite artists.
(That's me with the lead singer of The Color Morale, Garret Rap!)
3. Having a great time with your friends.
Again, a picture of me with my friends at Warped Tour! :)
4. Hearing really great bands play.
Sleeping With Sirens.
The Color Morale.
5. Meeting new people.
Meeting people at Warped is so easy since you can spark up a conversation about a band you like or there to see.
Warped Tour has got to be one of the greatest things that I attend to release stress and have fun with my friends along with seeing my favorite bands. I think everyone should definitely experience it and photograph it and have an amazing time.