Why I Don't Want Donald Trump As President
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Why I Don't Want Donald Trump As President

What is America thinking by supporting a man so full of hate?

Why I Don't Want Donald Trump As President

For many of us, this election is our first time being able to vote in a presidential election. Knowing this, I was excited to finally be able to exercise my American right and honor, until Donald Trump announced his candidacy. I assumed he would be done within the first couple of months, but here we are almost nine months later and he is not only still in the race, but he is winning. Now that the primaries are drawing closer to their finish, I am legitimately concerned with what is taking place. I have to actually think about the possibility that this man might be our next president. The election of this man as our country’s leader is highly alarming to me. Here’s why:

Hate Towards Immigrants

Donald Trump wants to build a wall keeping people out, but what will happen to America then? One of the most notorious things that Trump is known for is his dislike for immigrants. While I agree that we need to have less illegal immigrants, we need to remember something: America was built on migration. We are called the melting pot for a reason and it’s because of our diverse culture. Trump claims that, “When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, and their rapists.” What goes unmentioned by Trump is that since the recession, fewer Mexican citizens have illegally crossed the border. From 1995 to 2000, about 2.9 million people migrated from Mexico into the US and from 2009 to 2014 it dropped drastically to 870,000. In fact, the number of people from 2009 to 2014 who returned to Mexico from the US was higher at 1 million.

Saying that the immigrants are coming in and “taking our jobs” is wrong. It is just plainly false. You did not go into work one day and find someone from Mexico sitting at your desk. It is not stealing. People who come to the country legally take whatever jobs they can get. Whether that is lawn care, janitorial duty, or being a doctor (yes, people outside of the U.S.A are educated too). Without immigrants, there wouldn’t be enough people doing the grunt work. Everyone needs to work and they will do whatever it takes to put food on the table just like us.

Donald Trump’s plan if elected president is to simply deport anyone who is in the county illegally. While this seems simple, it is a long process. Every person who qualifies as an illegal resident must go to immigration court. The estimated number of people who would need to go through this process is 11 million. Not only would this take years but also a lot of money. When asked how to decrease the amount of time this would take, Trump says that you just simply skip the procedure altogether. After all, they’re here illegally. Why not send them home illegally?

Offensive Comments Are Never the Answer

There are endless examples of the people that Trump has made fun of or made rude comments about. The man is racist, sexist, and just straight up offensive. At a rally he did a distasteful impression of disabled reporter, Serge Kovaleski who has arthrogryposis which affects the function and range of motion of joints and can cause muscles to atrophy. In early August, during the first Republican debate, he made a sexist comment about Megyn Kelly, suggesting she was phrasing question in the way she did because she was menstruating. If that is not bad enough, the way he worded it was even worse. He said, “She had blood coming out of her whatever.” This was after the nominees had done several debates and was upset that he had lost his first. While it is possible that Kelly was being harsh towards Trump, by no means is blaming a woman’s menstrual cycle on the way she is speaking or acting acceptable.

Encouraging Violence

Several of his rallies have been ridden with protests and just recently the planned rally in Chicago was shut down because of violence. On several occasions, attendees of his rallies have beat up protesters unnecessarily. While this could take place at any of the nominee’s events, it seems to always be at Trump’s because of one reason: he does nothing to stop it. He has said many times that he would pay the legal fees of anyone who attacks a protester. Oddly enough, he has insisted that he has not condoned the violence that is taking place. However, on numerous occasions he insists that his supporters resort to violence if someone begins protesting. At one point he said, “If you see someone about to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously.” Not only does he encourage foul play but he goes on to say, “I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise.” He also states that he misses the good old days because protesters do not get roughed up enough so they are more likely to do it again. Don’t believe me? Think I am making all of this up? Last week, New York Times made a video saying otherwise.

The Supporters Are Terrifying

The people who actually believe that Trump is the best candidate baffle me most of all. In several videos and articles, there are examples of men and women shouting at protesters. At a North Carolina rally, Rakeem Jones was being peacefully taken out because he was protesting. After almost making it out of the arena, John McGraw decided to sucker punch him in the face. To make matter worse, the sheriffs detained Jones instead of the man who attacked him. The police failed to protect him and supporters are getting away with their behavior.

I’ve always had an understanding that racism and violence still exists in America. It remains hidden among a long history of hate in our country. People pretend that racism is no long prevalent but in the past two years, there have been several cases that prove otherwise. Most recently, it is shown in Trump’s supporters. Amongst the attendees at his rallies, several people are not supporters but choose not to protest. Over the past few weeks people have written about their experiences as simply being an observer rather than a participant in the rallies. There have been several instances of people wishing violence and hate toward protestors, immigrants, and people of color alike. When Trump says something about his wall or offensive in general the supporters go wild.

While I am not surprised that he has supporters, I am surprised by the number. Do all of these people have the same belief system? Do they also believe that we need to deport millions of people and close our borders? Do they agree that we need to be offensive to get ahead in life? If that is the case, is the fact that Donald Trump is currently winning the Republican nomination a sign that there are more important problems in America than electing a terrible president? What do we look like to our allies and other countries that see we are supporting Trump?

If Donald Trump becomes president I don’t think we will need a wall because no one will want to come here anyways. Americans everywhere are revealing their true colors by supporting this man. While I am unsure what future is ahead for our country, I know that if Donald becomes our leader it will not be a bright one.

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