Why "I Don't See Color" Is Problematic | The Odyssey Online
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Why "I Don't See Color" Is Problematic

Tomi, let's have a talk.

Why "I Don't See Color" Is Problematic

On November 29th, Daily Show host, Trevor Noah sat down to have a talk with Tomi Lahren, a young and infamous conservative internet personality. Now, we were almost certain that this was going to be a heated exchange, however, something peculiar happened. Despite the many articles about Trevor Noah "destroying" Tomi Lahren, you'll see that he does something even more compelling. Throughout the interview, it is apparent that Noah has brought Lahren on the show less to argue with her than to reveal her views. And it's apparent that her quotes speak for themselves.

But there is one quote in particular that I found — intriguing.

"To me, true diversity is diversity of thought, not diversity of color." Lahren exclaims, "I don't see color. I go after Hillary Clinton, and she's as white as they come."

Hold that thought. Rewind, please.

I don't see color.

I don't see color. It sounds— progressive, kind of. It sounds like equality— being able to see everyone on the same level. I've heard countless individuals say this in an effort to equalize the tensions of racism.

But the fact of the matter is that we do not live in a colorless world. Our country is culturally diverse and rather beautifully pigmented... For this reason, it seems that "I don't see color" is a choice. So, this brings me to the question: Miss Lahren, why would you choose not to see color?

Why would you choose not to taste it in the zest of curry rice made for a family to eat on a Sunday night? Why would you choose not to hear it in the music of hundreds of languages that echo throughout our country? Why would you choose not to see it in the variations of not only our skin colors, but our eyes and what they have seen, our backgrounds and the very roots that we come from?

Why would you, Miss Lahren, choose not to see us?

This choice is problematic in many ways because it fails to see racism as a problem. "I don't see color" fails to see race-related hate crime as a problem. "I don't see color" fails to see the issues with institutionalized racism. "I don't see color" fails to see the struggles women of color face with exoticism and low pay. "I don't see color" fails to see the issues with the North Dakota Pipeline and why people cared about it. "I don't see color" fails to see the ways people are racially profiled, not only in crime related issues but for hiring managers and executives. "I don't see color" fails to see how racial slurs hurt. "I don't see color" fails to validate the anxiety, the anger and the pain behind racism our country.

"I don't see color" is problematic because there are issues with human mistreatment and being blind to the reasons they are brought about is simply not a solution.

During this same interview, Trevor Noah asked Tomi Lahren, “What is the right way, I’ve always wanted to know,” Noah said carefully, “for a black person to get attention in America?” And to this day, Lahren has not given a straight answer.

"I don't see color" was booed for a reason.

Now, maybe we can't pry open the eyes of the blind. Maybe the weight of these issues won't reach Tomi Lahren, who dressed up as a sexy border patrol agent this Halloween just yet. But there is one thing that I know to be true.

We were meant to be a united country. Our young minds knew it from the textbooks we read in grade school, we learned that our country was the more perfect union that was to establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility. We knew it from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream. We know it from the ways that we already have come together. And these obstacles were meant to be overcome together.

We were meant to be a united country as much as we are meant to heal.

We must open our eyes to solutions, our differences, our stories, and our colors to do this.

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