Why Bernie Sanders Is The Ultimate Hippie In Disguise
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Politics and Activism

Why Bernie Sanders Is The Ultimate Hippie In Disguise

The next "Summer of Love" is on its way.

Why Bernie Sanders Is The Ultimate Hippie In Disguise

So, let’s talk politics for a minute. I am seriously stoked that Bernie Sanders won the democratic primary in the state I grew up in: Wisconsin! I’m also proud to say I was a part of that vote, since I’m currently living in Wisconsin. Between attending a rally in Appleton on March 29, and knocking on doors for Bernie on April 2, I’m almost amazed at my newfound courage in the face of a political revolution. Never before have I cared so deeply, or been so involved in the political process, as I have been this year. Then again, that’s one of the main points of Bernie’s campaign. No president can go it alone, otherwise we’d have a monarchy and not a democracy. Bernie Sanders wants people (all people, from all walks of life) to participate in the political process, to get inspired and incite positive change!

Let’s face it, life has a way of going full circle, and in this day and age where everything moves at lightning speed, entire generations from years past seem to repeat themselves within a short decade. 10 years ago, we were dealing with the worst economy since the Great Depression. Then when President Obama got elected into office, it seemed like things were going to take a positive turn. With Obama now in office, things started to move forward, and we found ourselves in a would-be post-WWII—a 1940s kind of modern era. Fast-forward to 2016, and it feels like it’s the 1960s all over again. We’re still fighting for women’s rights, racial equality, pay equity and we’re exploring things like sexual freedom and the movement of medical marijuana.

Ah yes, I’m definitely “feelin’ the Bern,” and soon, I’ll be feeling the burn from the sun, as summer is fast approaching! If Sanders continues to win states at landslide percentages, I have a feeling we’re going to have an awesomely victorious “summer of love” for the Millennial generation! That’s what we need more of: Love. Our country has become so divided in the face of terrorism and fear of what we do not understand in a time where change is a daily occurrence. I challenge all of you to embrace your inner hippie, come together with your friends and family and reach out to new people, for nothing else but the simple fact that we need to stick together. We decide how this country works, and we can decide whether or not we want to perpetuate fear and hate amongst each other, or if we want to end it by treating people decently and looking towards a brighter future. Change can be done, but it starts with us—all of us!

Since I’ve already stated my presidential preference, I’m not going to waste time bashing the other candidates, no matter what side they’re on. Sure, I don’t agree with things the other candidates are doing or what they stand for, but that’s irrelevant. There’s no reason for me to belittle the other candidates, because frankly, that’s not what Bernie’s campaign is about. As he’s said many times, we need to focus on the issues.

The issues we have been dealing with in this country are on the precipice of change. If Bernie makes it to the general election, we’ll have a real chance to make changes that will positively impact us in the here and now, as well as for future generations.

I feel that Bernie Sanders is exactly what this country needs, in terms of many different issues that he’s talked about. I’m going to hit on a few highlights. We all know that Bernie is for campaign finance reform, breaking up the big banks, taxing Wall Street, etc. We know this, because it’s one of the main aspects of his campaign. What about the other issues though? The ones that hit a little closer to home?

Let’s begin by touching base on education, and higher learning.

When it comes to college education, I could be selfish and be like, “Well, I’m using my G.I. Bill to go to college. I’m all set, so why should I care about everyone else?” As it turns out, I have a somewhat rare commodity in these modern times, known as empathy for others. I understand that not everyone can afford a college education. Most parents live paycheck to paycheck, so they never had time to put away money in a college fund for their kids. Also, just because I served four years in the Army, to earn my education money, doesn’t mean that that’s the best option for everyone. For some people, the military isn’t an option at all. So, that being said, I think we have a problem. How can we expect people to get decent jobs and be active contributors to society if they aren’t set up for success? Without a college education in these rapidly changing economic times, it’s very difficult for anyone to get very far, in terms of their career. College tuition at public colleges and universities should be free, as Bernie said. Someone who wants to go far in life, and pursue their dream career, should not be held back because of their financial means. Obviously these students will need good grades, but maybe if they see college as a real possibility on the horizon, elementary, middle and high school students will actually be willing to work harder. They’ll know that they need to achieve good grades, and will want to work hard towards their future, because they know they’ll actually have one.

I’m also very glad that Bernie has decided to make climate change a key issue that he’s going to address. He is a big proponent of clean energy, and as we all know does not take money from the fossil fuel industry. It is of paramount importance that we take better care of our planet, so that when we leave it, it will still be sustainable for generations to come. Animals on the endangered species lists are dropping off into extinction. I don’t want humans to be next. I look forward to seeing how Bernie will get the American people revved up to start taking this issue more seriously.

Bernie is very pro-military! He’s an advocate for veterans, wanting to make sure that our vets are well taken care of after leaving the service. He also wants to make sure that our soldiers are taken care of, especially after returning home from war. Finally, he wants to make sure that war is always the last option, not the first solution. I completely agree. War should never be the first suggestion, but always the last resort. As the musical “Rent” so eloquently put it, “The opposite of war isn’t peace, it’s creation.”

OK, next topic, and I know it might not be everyone’s favorite, but I’m gonna talk about it anyway. Bernie has discussed the fact that we need to take marijuana off the controlled substance list.

A couple of things that I like about that idea: One is the fact that young people are getting put in jail for years for something that, compared to other crimes, is such a minor offense. Their lives are being destroyed over something trivial, compared to rapists and child molesters that can spend less than a decade in prison, only to be released with the opportunity to hurt other people again. The justice system is backwards when it comes to those issues, and that needs to be addressed.

Secondly, when I lived in Phoenix, Arizona, I had a medical marijuana card. So did my husband. I have never known of a prescription medication that could do what cannabis did for me. My chronic back pain and limited abilities associated with it were all but gone, thanks to the muscle relaxing CBD component of cannabis. My depression and anxiety subsided greatly, and I started enjoying living my life again. In terms of what marijuana did for my husband, first of all it eliminated his insomnia. He actually started eating regular meals again, and he was no longer dealing with PTSD side effects and flashbacks. All in all, it was one of the best decisions we made in terms of our healthcare.

Now, marijuana is not necessarily a cure-all, and it doesn’t work for everyone, not even for Bernie Sanders. That being said, Bernie Sanders is not so narrow-minded as to think that it may not be a viable and useful option for someone else. After all, alcohol is way more dangerous than cannabis will ever be, chiefly due to the fact that while alcohol contains foreign chemicals which our body attempts to purge whenever we get drunk, cannabis actually contains chemicals that can be found within our very own brains. Rather than destroying brain cells the way alcohol has been known to do, marijuana simply lights up different parts of the brain, activating/suppressing different components.

But, I digress… Alternative remedies aside, let’s talk about healthcare. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have it. I have it because I receive disability through the VA. As I mentioned before, I could be a total jerk and just not give a crap about the person sitting next to me, but I think about how difficult it must be for all those who can’t afford healthcare. Insurance premiums are very costly, but then again, so is paying out of pocket. We’re not just talking about normal check-ups either. We’re talking about prescriptions (some of which, people can’t afford to pick up), unforeseen surgeries, MRIs and let’s not forget psychiatric care and therapy. Bernie Sanders wants to make healthcare affordable to all, by implementing a single-payer healthcare system. This also includes helping military veterans, to make sure they’re receiving the proper healthcare they need and deserve.

Bernie is also committed to making sure that anyone struggling with mental health disorders gets the care they need, when they need it. For people who struggle with mental illness, and aren’t being treated for it, that same individual’s judgement has been so affected by their illness, to the point of impairment. It gets to a point where they can’t properly decipher anymore whether or not they need or want help. People should not have to wait that long.

As someone who has struggled for the last four years with mental illness, I can say from experience that it feels awful when you are unable to get the help you need, right when you need it. We need to make sure that we are appointing caring and empathetic mental healthcare professionals. Mental illnesses are becoming more and more prevalent in society as time goes on. We need to be able to deal with that accordingly, by making sure people are getting help, not getting left behind.

What all this means is that we need a new healthcare system. A better one than what we have now, one that works for all of us. Why should the quality of our health and ability to live a full life be tied to the state of our finances? The short answer is, it shouldn’t be. We all deserve basic healthcare, we all deserve to have mental health care when we need it, before our illnesses become debilitating and detrimental to us and to those around us.

Bernie Sanders is a champion for military veterans, women’s rights, pay equity, racial equality, immigration reform and he’s fighting for rights within the LGBTQ community. He is working to bring people together through empathy and understanding. It’s important that we remember that nothing can be accomplished alone. We are stronger when we all stand together.

Now, I know it may be hard. I’m a loner/introvert (plus, I have social anxiety). I’d rather stay in and watch horror movies than go out clubbing, but I still care about the interests of other people. Don’t judge people based on where they live or because they don’t have as much money as you, because life is uncertain and you could be the next person to fall on hard times. Don’t look down on people because they have a different faith than you, or because they come from a different heritage.

Think about how you would feel, if every single year, people on the news were complaining about a so-called “War on Christmas,” and you didn’t celebrate Christmas. Picture yourself having a different faith, or even no faith, and you don’t celebrate Christmas. Yet, when winter rolls around, all you see everywhere are candy cane stripes, Santa statues, twinkle lights, decorated Christmas trees, holiday specials on TV and festive cookies. That’d be enough to drive any outsider a little nuts, so let’s stop kidding ourselves. There is no war on Christmas, some of y’all just forgot what it might feel like to be in someone else’s shoes. That’s why Bernie Sanders is awesome; he stands up for the little guy, the underdog, the everyday working man or woman. He stands up for injustices, no matter what kind they are. He is working to make this country a place that everyone will be proud to live in, because we will all feel included.

So basically my point is, if you’re feeling jaded, stop it! We’re living in what could potentially be some of our best years, but we need your help! Let’s embrace change, and embrace each other. It all starts with a smile and a hug. Smile at your neighbors, smile and say hello to strangers, hug your friends, hug your family, let ’em know you care, tell them you love them, because life is short. As one of my best friends once told me, “You want to tell people everything you can while they’re here,” and while you have the chance. Don’t wait, because life is too short.

Someday, Bernie Sanders’ campaign will be a moment in history, but for us, it’s a present day reality. One I’m confident in and can’t wait to further be a part of. The world is in the midst of a political and social revolution, and Bernie Sanders is the leader who has re-inspired so many of us, me included! The time for change is upon us! Let’s not let Bernie’s vision die, or his message go unheard. Let’s give ’em “A Future to Believe In!”

Peace, love and power to the people!

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