Last week I was given every college student's least favorite gift, a cold. I should have been expecting it as two of my roommates had one but it still caught me by surprise. Now being sick is rarely an enjoyable experience but it is even worse when you are not in the comfort of your home. Here are four reasons being sick in college is the worst.
Being Sick is Rarely a Good Excuse For Missing Class
While there are certain cases where being sick is an acceptable reason for missing class, generally speaking unless you are extremely ill you are expected to be in class. In high school if you were sick all you had to do was get your parents to write a note to the school. At my university if you want to get your absence excused you have to turn in some kind of documentation proving that you were sick such as a note from a doctor. While I understand the reasoning behind this, it does make life more difficult.
No One is Going to Take Care of You
If you live away from home your health is your responsibility. When I was sick I had to haul myself out of bed to the pharmacy to pick up my medicine and then to the supermarket to get soup. It is such a luxury to have a parent around to help out when you are sick. To anyone still enjoying the benefit of having a parent around, please thank them. You have no idea how much it sucks to take care of yourself.
Not Having Your Home Bed
Most college students can agree that one of the most missed items from home is your bed. Whenever I was sick at home, I loved curling up in my bed all day. It is so comfortable and weirdly soothing. While my bed at school is extremely comfortable, it just is not the same.
Knowing This is Probably the First of Many ColdsĀ
Colleges are breeding grounds for illness. You are living so close to so many people so colds just spread easily. When my roommate got sick I knew that at least one of us would get it too. No matter how many preventative measures you take, ultimately you cannot really avoid getting sick.
Being sick is terrible. It leaves you feeling worn out, unmotivated and just generally gross. I am finally starting to feel better but I know this is only the first of many colds to plague me this year. While I know this just comes with being in college, there are days I just want my mom's soup and my bed.