Why America Is The Problem
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Why America Is The Problem

We are the problem, but we are also the solution.

Why America Is The Problem

I originally wrote this article before the horrible murders of several police officers in Dallas. I find now more than ever it is very important that people understand that all police officers are not to be blamed for the faults of many. The same way I expect people of all races to understand that all black people are not ignorant, murderous law breakers or whatever else the media attempts to represent us as.

My original article focused on the probable reasons why some police officers find it easier to shoot black people, than calmly deescalate a situation and/or give/receive information. I believe it lies in the continual portrayal of black people in a negative light in all aspects of media, film and television.

The fact that most superheroes are white, I’m not saying let’s reinvent them as "dipped in chocolate" politically correct versions so relax. I’m talking about how there are very few original black super heroes, very few original black stories told through film that don’t exist during slavery or the Civil Rights era (times when black people were treated worse than animals). Nobody gets to see positive images of black people, not even black people. In school, there is usually one paragraph detailing the slaughtering of the Indigenous people in America (to which the victor tells the story of the "savages") just as there is one paragraph discussing slavery in America and/or the horrendous slave trade. We get one paragraph that washes down the Civil Rights Movement and leaves out very important and disgraceful murders and acts that seem to be replaying right before our eyes today.

We don’t get told black people have always been just as smart, beautiful and great as any other race. We don't get told the stories of the black women who helped put a man on the moon. We don’t get told the stories of black doctors, astronauts, lawyers, activists, politicians, teachers, writers, artists, etc that helped mold this country.

You may think this has nothing to do with everything that is unfolding before our eyes on the television screen, but it absolutely does. As Malcolm X said once, the chickens have come home to roost.

When you only portray black people negatively and don’t show how intelligent we truly are, how amazing and how equal we are to every other race on this planet — you get incidents like the ones we have read about, watched and heard all over the news and social media. It becomes easier to shoot a black man, than safely deescalate a situation like we know has and can be done. It’s easier because if this man is a "thug" (a black man according to media and racists) then does it really matter if he lives?

I don't know the full story of Alton Sterling's encounter with the police that left him dead. I refuse to watch any video of any human life being taken away, but still so, I try not to believe everything I see or hear.

What I do know is, it's not far-fetched to believe some police officers can be racist and corrupt (we have proof from the past) and that mistakes can be made even by "good" police officers. I know we are all human, make mistakes, and handle situations that we learn could have been handled 1000 times better in hindsight.

So, we have to forgive racist and/or ignorant people who only believe the lies America has perpetuated since the beginning of this country. The lie that all men are not created equal and that only a certain type of people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

And I know, black people, that It's getting real hard to keep looking up and saying "forgive them Lord for they know not what they do," but it seems the second we stop we get incidents like the one in Dallas.

An angry man sees people who look like him being killed regularly for what seems like no reason (with the videos being played over and over again on the news and social media) with race being emphasized over and over again through media, and he reacts to it. He now believes all police officers are racist murderers and he finds it real easy to kill them.

Now we have families without fathers, sons, brothers. Empty seats at dinner tables because we dropped the ball America. I am tired of these stories. Tired of the loss of life that can be prevented.

If you're tired too, then good because the solution lies in us coming together in love, not hatred, not division. Satan only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He reigns over this evil world, but we still have the power to say no. We don't have to hate each other, we don't have to fall victim to his plots and ploys. We are all created equal and all derserve the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Every single one of us. We caused this problem, but we can also fix this problem. We have to come together and start the long process of finally making America great.

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