It’s summertime, which means unless you are tanning on a yacht in European waters drinking champagne, you probably have to work. But here’s a tidbit to brighten your Monday workday: The prospect of new emojis. We all know we’ll probably be texting at work anyways, and soon you’ll be able to flaunt your career through emoji’s while you take texting breaks at work and avoid real world responsibilities.
Google has submitted a proposal for 13 new professional working girl emoji’s which should be available for use on smartphones by the end of this year. The Supreme Court of emoji’s, Unicode Consortium, a nonprofit which helps to unify and standardize emojis across all platforms, is currently reviewing the coding and images. It’s most likely that the proposal will be approved, given that it was co-written by Mark Davis who happens to be the president of Unicode Consortium.
Changing the way we speak, or better yet, text, may be a big step towards bridging the gender gap in the professional world. According to the World Economic Forum, in 2014, the United States ranked 20th in terms of a gender gap within society. Do you know what 20th in the world ranking gets you? Well if you’re female you get 79 cents to every man’s dollar and a poor representation in government politics. The main idea behind this emoji launch is to “empower girls everywhere” according to Google. Looks like Google took a cue from Barbie, recognizing that girls can be anything they want with determination, hard work, and perseverance.
In a note to emphasize Google’s efforts towards equality, these emoji’s will also be available in male characters as well. Soon we’ll all have the opportunity to quote the song “Work” complete with professional looking Drake and Rihanna emoji’s. Here’s a glimpse into the very near future of the emoji world, complete with possible non-professional uses.
Business Industry: Office worker, Accountant, Financial Adviser, CEO
- Depending on the level of confidence and sass this can vary in meaning from Boss Ass Bitch to under-qualified young professional with 2 years of experience interviewing for a job with 5+ years of experience needed.
Healthcare: Doctor, Physician, MD
- Other Uses: Being there to diagnose all of your friend’s relationship problems, Grey’s Anatomy marathons
Healthcare: Nurse, Dentist, Radiologist, Anesthesiologist
- Other Uses: Being sick of all the drama surrounding you, how finals will be the death of you, trying to avoid pregnancy like it’s the plague
Science: Scientist, Chemist, Lab Technician
- Other Uses: measuring how much guts you have to send that risky text, figuring out the perfect mixer ratio between spiked fruit juice and pure alcohol
Education: Graduate
- Other Uses: When you clearly school someone in an argument, graduating from the School of Sass & Attitude
Technology: Software Engineer, Coder, Productive Member of Society
- Other Uses: Signifying your love for Netflix, when you’ve been online shopping the whole time you were in your lecture class, the bat signal to go into full online stalking mode of your new crush.
Industry: Factory Worker, Mechanic, Welder
- Other Uses: When the night is about to be lit
Industry: Assembly Line Worker, High Tech Industry Worker, Biotechnology
- Other Uses: Holding the world’s biggest secret in your hands, trying to hand out your sick new mix-tape
Industry: Mechanic, Plumber, Construction Worker
- Other Uses: In celebration of learning how to change a tire by yourself or to signify you’re a strong independent who don’t need no man
Farming: Farmer
- Other Uses: Embracing your inner flannel and overalls wearing hipster, wanting to gather all of the townsfolk to hunt down your rival with pitchforks
Food Service: Chef, Cook
- Other Uses: To signify you know how to cook more than Easy Mac, used with the knife emoji can also mean “I’m hangry” or “Don’t steal my food or I will cut you”
Education: Teacher, Professor
- Other Uses: Laying out every indisputable reason for your argument and watching your opponent crumble into defeat
Music: Rocker, Rock-star
- Other Uses: Covers all levels of talent of the makeup spectrum, from completely slaying the newest makeup technique fad to when you can’t draw an eyeliner wing to save your life so you keep adding to it until it covers your whole face.