Who Are We The People Now?
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Who Are We The People Now?

'Designated Survivor' makes you question what's happening to society

Who Are We The People Now?

The thrilling new show 'Designated Survivor' aired on September 21. The basic plot is that a catastrophic act of terrorism is successfully executed upon our country's leaders. There is one cabinet member that is designed to be the 'designated survivor,' who is held far away from the State of the Union address in the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. where the President, as well as seemingly all other important government officials, are killed. Tom Kirkman, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is this Designated Survivor, and is immediately sworn in as President, being the next (and only) person in the line of succession. Pretty much not too much else happens in the series pilot episode, however there are some major takeaways to parallel real life.

But the biggest concern came when a preview for future episodes was aired. A scene depicted the new President being interviewed by a news reporter, who asked Kirkman a question along the lines of, "Were you fired that morning, and if so, do you think you are even supposed to be President?"

(It's a TV show obviously) How come in an absolutely devastating time, the biggest story is a conspiracy scandal? The reporter is not asking him his plan, what the country should do, should think, anything important. Simply, "Are you even supposed to be here?"

Now, in the first episode, he sort of does get fired (rather suggested to step down, one of those political things) but had planned to do it the day after the attack occurred. The producers leave the exact details of this part shaky for the plot line purpose, but there is an underlying theme that resonates in today's society.

Does it not seem like that is exactly where American society is currently positioned? In a place where a scandal would receive more notoriety that the assassination of the leader of the free world?

The simple answer is "No, of course not, that's just a TV show, they over-dramatize everything for the plot."

However, what are the major news stories nowadays; all controversies. First off, and especially, the Presidential race. It's a sludge campaign and people are only tuning in to the TV debates at record numbers because of the controversy. "What will Trump say?" "Is Hillary deathly ill?"

Not, "How is this person going to BETTER our country?"

We as a society care more about uproar and winning an argument than actually solving a problem. And that's a problem. This article shouldn't even have to be written.

Other major news story subjects include; protests, police murders, 1st amendment rights being executed, terrorist bombings, and racism. Yes, other stories revolve around the economy, the drought, and election hackers, but honestly what are you, the reader, most exposed/opinionated on? What draws your attention? It's all of these controversial issues that have definitive sides literally fighting each other.

Michael Jordan was quoted on September 22 saying (in response to the events unfolding in Charlotte), "It is more important than ever that we restore calm and come together."

We have become a divided nation, focused on our individual perspectives. Are there people being murdered by police officers? Yes. Are police officers bad? No. Are people committing crimes? Yes. Are groups of people of certain ethnicity bad? No.

There is 300,000,000 people in this country. More actually. Not everyone of a certain group or race is bad, or good. Everyone is a product of their environment. Everyone is impressionable and susceptible to what they see. So can you blame someone for picking a side in issues like these? No.

But can you hold people responsible for not working together? Yes. Everyone is so caught up in who's side is right, what displays should or should not happen, etc. we all forget that we are all AMERICAN people.

So who are we as Americans? Are we people that would fight, quarrel, and doubt in times of tragic proportions? Or can we rally behind each other, make the most of the situations we are placed in, and grow?

The real kicker is this; what type of people can we be everyday, when we aren't moved by a catastrophic event?

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