The Whining Moms???
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The Whining Moms???

A review of Merlot, a new EP by Whine Moms.

The Whining Moms???

Now you may be thinking, "What is this? A review of a type of wine a bunch of suburban moms would be drinking at three thirty on a Wednesday afternoon?" Well you would be sorely mistaken.

Merlot is the first EP dropped by Whine Moms, an upcoming emo/indie band from the DIY scene of Philadelphia. The quintuple consists of University of the Arts students: Alex Tripodi (the man behind the vocals and lyrics), Justin Dudzinkski and Sean Kelly (the two very talented guitarists), Eric Thomas (the killer bass master and vocalist), and Vince Duong (the band's very own ?uestlove) who started in early October of 2016. When asked, Duong states the origins of the band as, "Eric really wanted to started a band and he's roommates with Justin. They wrote our first song, "...Miami," acoustically and hit me up to jam on it cause we were all pals."

After sitting in on a boat load of band practices, I was quite eager to hear the bands first release. It came to the point where when I would Eric or Vince walking down Broad street and pester them to find out when the EP was dropping. These very talented young musicians' rifts and lyrics ringed in my ears, and I'd find myself at work whistling along to I Was Born In Miami On The Only Day it Ever Snowed In Miami (the very first track on the EP).

I remember hearing Justin telling me they would be playing for the first time at Hotel Carlisle (located near the Temple campus) and stepping into that basement to hear and see the world's first take on my friends' band. I have to admit though, I knew people would like their sound. The vocals Tripodi bellows on my personal favorite track Matthew Stafford Is A Quality Quarterback rippled through the crowd and from as far as I could see, everyone in that cramped basement was jumping in-sync to the flawless drumming that Duong provided for them.

However; I have to say, seeing the live version of My Dear Friend (Swan Boyz) at JJ's Diner in West Philly had to have been my favorite moment of the band's history. The energy the lads provided unknowingly made me throw my arms around the two closest strangers and start singing/screaming along to the emotional and tear jerking lyrics. Their catchy beat and positive vibe will be flowing though your headphones and speakers and you will most likely catching yourself tapping your foot along to their beat. The unforgettable ode of losing contact with a close friend and going your own separate ways will touch even the coldest of hearts and will make you scream along, "I don't give a FUCK!"

Now, I have to admit, when you listen to these fellows, you're going to hate them because once you finish the three track EP, you're only going to want more to listen to. BUT I can guarantee, that this will not be the last you will be hearing from Whine Moms.

Whine Mom's contact



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